Many have been shocked to see the Left’s merciless repression of free speech for those who have a world view that is not in line with the current socialist politically correct narrative. But they should not be so surprised.
Karl Marx (1818-1883) clearly defined socialism and communism as ideologies that precisely aim at destroying the very structures of traditional civil society and its critical thinking.
The quotation: “The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism,” defines the disdain for plurality of opinions that has marked Marxist thought for generations.
The aim of socialism is to destroy: If one wonders what type of society socialists are trying to create, it is useful to study its brutally vocal founders about the values of socialism: The need for intolerance, dishonesty, theft, the creating of fear by clamping-down on dissidents and free intellectuals, manipulating the people to become the needed “useful idiots” who are to help cause a bloody revolution that would extinguish the light of Western civilization.
Read our other articles on Karl Marx here, or my two articles at WND that shed further light on this very important topic.
The aim of socialism is to destroy: The admirer of Karl Marx, Vladimir I. Lenin was the founder of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). He detested the capitalist system, its virtues and its code of honor, stating the need to ruthlessly curb free speech:
“We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth…we can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion and scorn towards those who disagree with us.”
Lenin, the father of Marxist-Leninism, lived in Europe for many years and benefitted from the open democratic societies that allowed him to organize his band of brothers.
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- Zerohedge about Amazon number 1 Bestseller, “The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite”
- The Socialist hatred of Free Speech: Read shocking quotes from Marx, Lenin, Marcuse and other founding fathers
- Brutally Ruthless Marxism: A study of Karl Marx, founder of Communism and Socialism
- Western Marxist “Liberalism” is vastly different from Traditional Liberalism – John Locke
- The depressed, suicidal West: The Christian solution
The aim of socialism is to destroy: Yet, he set forth to brutally quench personal freedoms when taking power in the USSR – with constant vilification, persecution or death sentences for whoever dared to speak up against his institutionalized atheist state communism.
The crushing of free speech and a free press was crucial to Lenin: “Why should freedom of speech and freedom of the press be allowed? Why should a government which is doing what it believes is right allow itself to be criticized?’ he asked.
The Soviet Communist Party articulated the tactic in 1943, the need to: “..continually embarrass, discredit and degrade our critics. When obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascist or Nazi or anti-Semitic.. constantly associate those who oppose us with those names that already have a bad smell. This association will, after enough repetition, become fact in the public mind.”
As investigative journalist James Simpson writes in Who was Karl Marx?, Marx prescribed a new world order in which the weak and feeble classes and races must be defeated, and thereafter, the abolition of property rights, democratic voting, the family as a social unit, individualism and the right to own the fruits of your own labor; the destruction of eternal truths such as justice, the nation state and all religions. This is progressive despotism, as Simpson puts it.
Willi Münzenberg (1889-1940), the influential and very successful communist agent in the West and good friend of Vladimir Lenin, said: “We must organize the intellectuals and use them to make Western civilization stink. Only then, after they have corrupted all its values and made life impossible, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat.”
These blatantly brutal methods have always been socialist tools designed to repress free speech for the conservative majority.
The aim of socialism is to destroy: Take Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979), the father of the Marxist 1960s student rebellion and advocate for Critical Theory and its demonization of classical Western culture. He openly advocated for the repression of those who were not in line with radical neo-Marxism.
In A critique of pure tolerance, he calls for biased “repressive tolerance” as tactic and demonstrates his complete lack of belief in the concept of free speech.
Marcuse concludes: “the objective of tolerance would call for intolerance toward prevailing policies, attitudes, opinions, and the extension of tolerance to policies, attitudes, and opinions which are outlawed or suppressed.” This progressive despotism is at the heart of politically correctness in 2023.