Tag Archives: nazi

Kanye West, Hitler and the Left’s NAZI ideology

The Left's NAZI ideology: The NAZI National Socialism in Germany World War II: Herland Report

  The famous musician, Kanye West recently declared his admiration for Adolf Hitler in an interview with Alex Jones. West said that he sees good things about Hitler whom he likes for his “redeeming qualities”, as he questioned the Holocaust. And of late, he been very angry at Jewish Hollywood leaders and reportedly Jews in general, writes historian of comparative …

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The Nazi Democrat Gestapo Regime is making it clear that it accepts neither Constitutional nor legal constraints on its power

Democrat Gestapo Regime: War in Europe U.S. Strategy: Getty

  Herland Report: Democrat Gestapo Regime: As I reported yesterday and previously, the totally corrupt Biden Justice (sic) Department and FBI Gestapo are trying to orchestrate a plot by Trump and supporters to subvert American democracy so that Biden can steal the November election by federalizing the process and taking the election out of state hands. More evidence comes forward …

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The Democrats Have Created a Nazi State in America

Nazi State in America: Joe Biden, Getty

  Herland Report: Nazi State in America: Nazi Propaganda Minister Goebbels and Gestapo chiefs Goring and Himmler are alive and well in the Democrat Party. The media report what the Democrat Party wants reported and nothing else, and the FBI serves as the political police that frames up Republicans while refusing to investigate Hunter Biden’s laptop and Hillary Clinton’s emails. …

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Western dystopian dictatorship: Mike Wallace speaks to Aldous Huxley – Brave New World

Mike Wallace speaks to Aldous Huxley about Brave New World: 

  Herland Report: Aldous Huxley spoke in 1958 to CBS Mike Wallace about a coming tyranny. The interview is worth revisiting. Engulfed in a politicized Covid-19 pandemic, where lockdowns crush the national economies in Western countries (Asia does not seem to have the same level of lockdowns), the Huxley scenario seems ever more realistic. Under the current globalist-Capitalist system, we are …

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A Leap Toward Humanity’s Destruction: The Power Game to Control Everything?

The Power Game to Control Everything: Wellcome Trust, AP

  Herland Report: The Power Game to Control Everything: The Wellcome Trust, which has arguably been second only to Bill Gates in its ability to influence events during the COVID-19 crisis and vaccination campaign, launched its own global equivalent of the Pentagon’s secretive research agency last year, officially to combat the “most pressing health challenges of our time.” Though first conceived …

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The NAZI mentality and its relevance today, now present in global elites

The NAZI mentality: Herland Report

  Herland Report: The NAZI mentality: When the President of the Assembly of the League of Nations in 1940, Carl J. Hambro wrote a book about the German occupation of Norway during World War II, he explained brilliantly the NAZI mentality. Based on a remorseless conviction of national egotism, the essence of the possessive NAZI doctrine was that “it is …

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The Globalist Fourth Reich

The Left's NAZI ideology: The NAZI National Socialism in Germany World War II: Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Globalist Fourth Reich: After the Second World War, a power vacuum had to be rapidly filled where a world formerly at war could somehow return to peace. In light of lessons learned, an understanding developed that military might was not optional for the state – to be used only for defense – but mandatory to maintain …

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Pax Americana Fascism: The U.S. Militarist Finance System’ connection to the Warfare State

America’s Stolen Guns:American Collapse: Ammo

  Herland Report: Pax Americana Fascism: A handful of the largest investment firms on the planet own pretty much everything, as intertwined with the western financial/monetary structure at the top; but that’s just one major element of control. Understanding Pax Americana aggression whether by “color revolutions” or the creation of failed states, requires more than an understanding of its overall funding (monopoly …

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WND features New Left Tyranny: Socialism, globalism and ‘robbery capitalism’ hand in hand

WND features New Left Tyranny: Socialism, globalism and 'robbery capitalism' now hand in hand, Hanne Nabintu

  Exclusive for WND: Hanne Nabintu Herland wonders how a socialist dictatorship would help Americans in her book New Left Tyranny. The Authoritarian destruction of our way of life.  WND is America’s largest Conservative network with columnists such as Larry Elder, Ann Coulter, John Whitehead, Joseph Farah, Ben Shapiro, Dinesh d’Souza, Pat Buchanan, Dennis Prager, David Kupelian, Jesse Lee Peterson …

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Book Review: New Left Tyranny attacks neo-Marxism for destabilizing West

Book Review: New Left Tyranny attacks neo-Marxism for destabilizing West, New Left Tyranny, Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  Herland Report: “In Hanne Nabintu Herland new book, New Left Tyranny. The Authoritarian destruction of Our Way of Life,  the best-selling Scandinavian author argues that the neo-Marxist New Left turned their back on historical Western principles and become a destructive authoritarian force. The New Left joined the world elites and abandoned the working class and instead attacked Western civilization itself. …

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