Tag Archives: neo-conservative

The Rising Tensions with China and lack of Western leaders with vision: An interview with Paul Craig Roberts


  “The neoconservatives who dominate US foreign policy, the principal purpose of which, in their words, is to prevent the rise of other countries with sufficient power to constrain US unilateralism, now face both China and Russia as threats to US hegemony.” “Russia’s punishment is conflict in Ukraine, sanctions, missiles on their border, and blown up Nord Stream pipelines,” says …

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Edmund Burke Modern Conservatism, respect for the Nation State

The conservative philosopher Edmund Burke: Edmund Burke and Modern Conservatism: Hanne Nabintu Herland edmund burke

   Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland: Edmund Burke and Modern Conservatism: Conservatives believe that law and order is necessary since man has an inherent tendency to exploit others to his own benefit. Man needs to control his selfish desires whether he is rich or poor. Hence the need for ethics and a normative approach in order to avoid chaos and …

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TV interview: Putin leader of the World now, says Dr. Roberts

Putin leader of the World Paul Roberts Herland Report

  Herland Report TV (HTV): “Increasingly the world sees that Putin is the world leader now. What the neo-con movement has achieved is the destruction of Western Hegemony and the respect for the West,” states Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on Putin leader of the World. He is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy, former editor of Wall Street Journal …

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Den neo-konservative trussel: Kagan og Hillary Clinton

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: Den neo-konservative trussel: Kagan-familien, USAs neokonservative aristokrati, er på banen igjen. De har kommet seg etter skuffelsen over ikke å skaffe seg den forventede innflytelsen gjennom valget av Hillary Clinton, og fra tapet av formell makt i starten av Trumps presidentperiode, skriver Robert Parry oversatt til norsk hos Steigan.no.     Den neo-konservative trussel:  Herland Report TV …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite