The conservative philosopher Edmund Burke: Edmund Burke and Modern Conservatism: Hanne Nabintu Herland edmund burke

Edmund Burke Modern Conservatism, respect for the Nation State


 Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland: Edmund Burke and Modern Conservatism: Conservatives believe that law and order is necessary since man has an inherent tendency to exploit others to his own benefit.

Man needs to control his selfish desires whether he is rich or poor. Hence the need for ethics and a normative approach in order to avoid chaos and anarchy.

The 1700s English philosopher and founder of modern conservatism, Edmund Burke, was a strong voice for these ideals, writes Hanne Nabintu Herland in the regular column at World Net Daily, one of America’s leading Conservative outlets.

Reforming society is, as we know, not always for the better. And today, as chaos and civil unrest seems to sweep across the United States’ political theatre, a study of Burke may serve as a reminder of the values that may help the U.S. return to stability.

New Left Tyranny by bestselling author Hanne Nabintu Herland
“In New Left Tyranny, Hanne Nabintu Herland shows that the neo-Marxist New Left created a dysfunctional society by abandoning the working class and attacking traditional values. As a consequence, social cohesion dissolved into selfishness and a lack of personal responsibility. Western societies have been fragmentized into the hate politics of Identity Politics. This is a remarkable book by a remarkable person. Excellent work.” Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, leading American political economist. In the US, buy it here! In the UK, Europe use this link or browse for the book on the regional Amazon portal in your country.


Edmund Burke and Modern Conservatism: Burke deeply disagreed with the ideology of the French Revolution – which enhanced bloody overthrow of governments, civil wars, guillotines and beheadings in the streets.

This would not lead to prosperity and stability, he argued. And he was right.

The French anarchy led to immense atrocities against the people, Robespierre administered guillotines on almost every corner in Paris and citizens who disagreed the slightest were killed. It was not until Napoleon took control over France that law and order was reinstated in the nation.




The French Revolution was the first major thrust towards the later 1840s Communist Manifesto and the entry of Marxism and later Socialism into European thought.

The aim became to remove European traditional values and replace them with a new set of ethics: Atheism and the Socialist mindset.

We live in the aftermath of this experiment today, as the Socialist way of thinking has broken down traditional ethics, order and the strength of the European culture.

Within the framework of law and order, Edmund Burke therefore sought to reform the British society gradually rather than rapidly, and aimed at halting the elites’ abuse of power without heading toward civil war.

According to “The Cambridge Companion to Edmund Burke,” Burke firmly believed that religion is one of the main foundational pillars of society.

He criticized deism and atheism and maintained that Christianity was vital to maintain in order to push for social progress, both for man’s soul on the personal level, as well as for political arrangements and the preservation of constitutional and civil liberties.

The idea of limited governmental authority was viewed as essential, the necessity of independent institutions, the need for the secular separation of church and state to ensure a free, democratic society.

Burke strongly believed in the liberty of the people and the need to protect them against the political elites’ abuse of power.

He felt that only with a full understanding of history, could one avoid repeating mistakes of the past.

Yale University professor David Bromwich points out in “The Intellectual Life of Edmund Burke” that Burke wished for a society built on trust, and felt that democracy in its modern form could easily mean the end of the loyalty between the generations and the breaking away of social bonds between family structures and cultural roots.

Burke believed that democracy would lead to new heights of misuse of power, that modern society could see crimes committed on a terrifying scale precisely under democratic rule.

He analyzed the French Revolution (1789) – its ideology later developed into Marxism, socialism and communism.

It also anticipated the Russian Revolution of 1917, as well as the elite’s atrocities against civilians in the Soviet Union, for example, under Lenin and Stalin.

Historically, communism and socialism led to the rise of an immense state elite controlling the nation where the ideology was implemented. The aim was for all to unite across borders, in a borderless society freed from traditional religion and morality. This very doctrine is at the heart of what has undermined and weakened the European civilization.


 Hanne Herland
New Left Tyranny author, bestselling Scandinavian author, Hanne Herland is a regular contributor to the leading Conservative outlets in the United States. The book is available on USA Amazon, UK Amazon here (or browse your local country Amazon for the book, list of some local country links below) on Barnes and Noble, Faith Life Books, Books a Million and others. Kindle version here.
«This is a remarkable book by a remarkable person. Excellent work.” Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, leading American political economist


Edmund Burke and Modern Conservatism: A strict socialism effectively means the end of personal freedom and totalitarian state rule. Many forget that the Nazi movement in Germany was a socialist movement. NAZI is the abbreviation of National Socialist Labour Party in Germany.

It saw Adolf Hitler come to power in a Western democratic nation, heavily controlled by mainstream media propaganda. The people were silenced by the strict ideology of socialist consensus, with diversity forbidden and freedom defined as the right to agree with the National Socialist elites.

Burke’s almost prophetic analysis of the future of democracies makes him a refreshingly different voice to this day.




Edmund Burke and Modern Conservatism: Bromwich points out that Burke was heavily engaged in criticizing the British Empire and especially the East India Company, which he felt misused its economic power and subdued Indians in a way that never would have been accepted if it were done to Englishmen.

He was one of the very first in modern Europe to discuss international justice at length and the need for Britain to keep its responsibilities toward the citizens of India, which it had colonized.

Today, the antiwar movement is largely identified as leftist, yet Burke demonstrated a clear-cut conservative voice who fought for international justice. He discussed freedom in terms of national sovereignty and the need for respect for differences, free speech and the voice of the people.
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Edmund Burke and Modern Conservatism: So, the rise of totalitarianism in democratic states has worried Europe’s intellectuals for a long time. Conservatism and its respect for plurality, freedom of religion, traditions and reluctancy to reform society too quickly may be the right path forward to regain stability.


About the author

Hanne Nabintu Herland is a historian of religions and bestselling author. She is the founder of The Herland Report Scandinavian news site, TV channel on YouTube and Podcasts which have millions of readers/viewers yearly. This is a great place to watch interviews with leading intellectuals, thought leaders from across the political spectrum. Herland’s books include Respect, Det Nye Babylon, The Culture War. How the West lost its Greatness, and her latest, New Left Tyranny. The Authoritarian Destruction of Our Way of Life is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, across the USA and in 60 countries world-wide. New Left Tyranny shows how the neo-Marxist New Left turned their back on historical Western principles and became a destructive authoritarian force.

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