Tag Archives: New Left

Marxism produces Slavery: The Atheist Soviet Experience

American Totalitarianism: Soviet Atheist Repression: Herland Report

  As Americans turn to Marxism in the hope of a better and more just world, the Soviet experience is worth revisiting. Submerged in atheist state control, the Soviet media propaganda penetrated society, idealizing the Communist teaching that Marxism would bring happiness and peace to all. Central to the Communist ideology was the idea that traditional religion must be exterminated. …

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Marxist icon Herbert Marcuse and the Authoritarian Strategy to silence opposition

Herbert Marcuse and the New Left' strategy to silence the Majority: Hanne Herland

  Repression of free speech, tolerance and respect for plurality has become the trademark of the New Left’ desire to silence the Majority. Thinkers like Herbert Marcuse, the father of the student revolution in the 1960’s, speaks openly in A critique of pure tolerance about the need to oppress the views of the conservatives and others who are critical of their ideology, …

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Sexual expressionism and erotic hedonism is the road to a fulfilled life?

Sexual expressionism: Herland Report

  In the West, generations now grow up believing that sexual expressionism and erotic hedonism is the road to a fulfilled life. Sex is the new god. Sexual satisfaction, deviations – anything that leads up to an orgasm seems to be the ultimate goal of literature, Hollywood films, and contemporary music. Sexual expressionism: Yet, without consideration of the damage inflicted …

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Science is politicized: Modern science is not objective

The Goal of Science is to understand God: GHL

  Because perception is inherently fallible, logic is duped by empirical evidence. Our five senses are notoriously weak and prone to error. Hundreds of optical illusions are readily available to prove the point. Every scientific error had the support of logic. In short, perception itself is woefully inadequate to assess reality, writes poet, playwriter and essayist, William Hamnet Wall, first …

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The depressed, suicidal West: The Christian solution

The depressed, suicidal West: The Christian solution Hanne Herland

  Depression is now an epidemic in the West that permeates society with emptiness, sadness, hopelessness, anger, loss of interest in life, and insomnia. One in four Americans struggle with depression, one in four high schoolers identify as LGBT+ with all the sad problems that come for these young individuals who struggle with feelings of not being the sex they …

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The 15 Years That Destroyed America

The 15 Years That Destroyed America: The Arctic Fox Cometh Imitating Islam in Persecuting Christians: Mission St. Gabriel, California, Church burning has come to America, just like ISIS burned churches in the Middle EastUSA

  The United States Government today bears little resemblance to the government created by the Founding Fathers.  Many “reforms” contributed to the transformation of an accountable government to an unaccountable one.   For example, the direct election of US senators and the expansion of the franchise from male property owners adversely affected the security of private property. The 15 Years That Destroyed …

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Hanne Herland’s main message in “The Billionaire World” is that we have Forgotten God – It leaves us without a Moral Compass

Alarm av Hanne Nabintu Herland: Foto TV2

  Hanne Nabintu Herland is a leading intellect of the Western world.  She is a defender of civilization and Christian morality and a stalwart opponent of the Satanic forces that are attacking our civilization.  In her new book, The Billionaire World, she explains the variety of assaults on Western civilization that are undermining the belief systems and cohesiveness of Western countries. This …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite