Tag Archives: New York Times

To Remind: One Month Into Trump’s Presidency I Wrote His Presidency’s Obituary and Predicted What Was to Follow

Trump's Presidency: Requiem For Donald Trump: Herland Report AFP

  To remind: One month into Trump’s presidency (Febr.17, 2017) I wrote his presidency’s obituary and predicted what was to follow. Americans are faced with a Satanic threat against truth, and thereby liberty and morality, that they do not understand: Trump’s Presidency: Has Donald Trump overestimated his presidential power? The answer is yes. Is Steve Bannon, Trump’s main advisor, politically …

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Julian Assange: Media Groups, including New York Times urge US to drop charges

  New York Times Comes to the Defense of Julian Assange: Through a joint letter The New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, and El Pais asked the United States to drop the Espionage Act charges against Julian Assange because it undermines press freedom. Twelve years ago, those American and European media released excerpts of the revelations obtained …

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Trust in the Media at an All Time Low

Mass Disinformation: Only 29 % trust US media: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Trust in the Media at an All Time Low: We have previously discussed how American journalism has been destroyed by years of openly partisan coverage in an age of echo journalism. Not surprisingly, the public has lost faith in what was once the leading nation in terms of journalistic practices and ethics. A new survey by the …

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Long overdue anti trust lawsuit against censoring monopolist Google

Long overdue anti trust lawsuit against censoring monopolist, illiberal Google, NYTimes

  Herland Report: Who could have imagined that the West would implement the same type of totalitarian structures that brought Germany to its knees during World War II? Yet, here we are in the age of censorship and authoritarianism, Conservative pages and others almost completely shut down by Google. Diversity and pluralism is the enemy now. This was the very …

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NY BOK: Hva er geopolitikk og hvordan styres verden? Intervju med Bjørn Nistad

Bjørn Nistad Herland Geopolitikk Report

  Herland Report: Kunnskap om geopolitikk er viktigere enn noen gang. For eksempel, på grunn av at Midtøsten har betydelige naturressurser og olje, har den geopolitiske kampen de siste tiårene handlet om kampen om ressursene i Midtøsten. I våre aviser får vi høre at Midtøsten konfliktene handler om “terrorister som må bekjempes”. Og dette er intet nytt. Fra tidenes morgen …

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New York Times articles go to Government for Approval pre Publishing

Elon Musk on the New York Times: New York Times

  The New York Times has publicly acknowledged that it sends some of its stories to the US government for approval from “national security officials” before publication. New York Times articles go to Government for Approval. This confirms what veteran New York Times correspondents like James Risen have said: The American newspaper of record regularly collaborates with the US government, …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite