Tag Archives: Noam Chomsky

Aldous Huxley and the Totalitarian Brave New World

Justin Trudeau dystopian Emergencies Act: Trucker Convoys protest Elite: AFP

  Herland Report: As the Western elites again are enticed by totalitarian systems and the deprivation of civil liberties among its citizens, Aldous Huxley is worth remembering. He provided an excellent description of the road to tyranny in his celebrated book Brave New World (1932). Huxley shows how restricted society becomes if personal initiative, individualism, social responsibility and the right to …

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Noam Chomsky sier USA er vår tids største kilde til terror

USA er vår tids største kilde til terror Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Herland Report: USA er vår tids største kilde til terror: At Noam Chomsky, som er kåret til USAs ledende intellektuelle og verdens mest siterte forsker, skriver at USA har utviklet seg til å bli vår tids største kilde til terror, er deprimerende lesning. Det har lenge vært kjent at Chomsky hevder at USA ikke lenger er et demokrati, men …

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Billionaires fortunes skyrocket since Covid-19 Corona pandemic began

Getty: Covid-19 is economic goldmine for the wealthiest:

  Consortium News: Billionaires in the U.S. have seen their fortunes skyrocket since the Covid-19 Corona pandemic began, increasing by 12.5 percent. The Institute for Policy Studies released a study “showing that, in the eight weeks between March 18 and May 14, the country’s super wealthy have added a further $368.8 billion to their already enormous fortunes.” That’s a jaw-dropping-fall-over-and-have-a-seizure level of …

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Jesus Kristus enkle budskap versus sekulær kirkens politikk og maktmisbruk

Hagia Sophia, Istanbul Jesus Christ golden mosaic, Herland Report

  Herland Report: De kulturradikale har dramatisk svekket Europa med en historieløs demonisering av kristendom uten å nyansere mellom kirkeovergrep og Jesu budskap om likeverd, menneskeverd og å elske hverandre. Det siste trenger vi mer enn noen gang i en stadig mer kjærlighetsløs og kynisk kultur. Filosofen Noam Chomsky regnes som USAs kanskje mest kjente intellektuelle og er den mest …

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Noam Chomsky: America is a falling star

Noam Chomsky: America as falling star:

  Herland Report: Noam Chomsky: America as falling star: Noam Chomsky, one of America’s leading intellectuals and a highly cited researcher, has advanced a depressing image of the USA as a nation that has evolved into a major cause of terror. For some time Chomsky has argued that the USA is not a democracy. It is in fact a one-party …

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Den rådende Arbeiderparti elitemakta

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  Den rådende Arbeiderparti elitemakta: Når forfatter Dag Solstad erklærer at han atter er kommunist, innebærer dette at han igjen ser behovet for et opprør mot den rådende ”makta.” Men hvem er elitemakta i dag? I romanen Armand V. forteller han historien om en begavet historiker som ser behovet for samtidskritisk tenkning, men som politisk korrekt tier på grunn av …

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The US is leading terrorist state, says Noam Chomsky

  Herland Report: The US is leading terrorist state: Noam Chomsky, one of the most cited scholars in the world, a leading US intellectual and one of the eight most cited in history writes shockingly in TruthOut: “It’s official: The U.S. is the world’s leading terrorist state, and proud of it.” That should have been the headline for the lead story …

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Noam Chomsky, John Pilger letter warn Blowback on US War Strategy

Noam Chomsky, John Pilger letter warn blowback on War Strategy

  Herland Report:The warning of Blowback from Current US War Strategy was recently voiced in a letter signed by numerous Western intellectuals. Terrorist acts on British soil have been committed by people revealed to have been not only known but actively supported by British intelligence agencies. They were supported in carrying out acts of violence in other countries, including Libya …

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US’ atrocities in the Middle East

The American collapse of traditional values: Herland Report

  Hanne Nabintu Herland: Robert McNamara eloquently warned in the documentary The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara against the US tendency to take part in civil wars by supporting one of the conflicting parties. He said that one is deemed to lose if this is the strategy. McNamara further stated that this was America’s biggest …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite