Tag Archives: pandemic

Covid measures’ Horrifying impact on Children

Massive excess deaths following vaccination: PCR Test is Flawed: Myocarditis rise Covid Vaccination: Reuters

  Children have, by far, the lowest risk for serious COVID-19 infection; COVID policies have therefore had an outsized impact on children and teens. Suicide attempts among girls rose 51% in 2021. Between 2019 and 2020, adolescent overdose mortality rose from 2.35 per 100,000 to 4.58 per 100,000, a 94.3% increase. Fentanyl fatalities among teens nearly tripled between 2019 to …

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Time Magazine on Escalating COVID Vaccine Heart Issues

COVID Vaccine Heart Issues: Covid-19 Vaccine Intentionally Flawed? WHO

  The long term effects of post-COVID symptoms are questioned in the latest Time Magazine. COVID Vaccine Heart Issues: New infections that leave patients with cardiovascular problems such as blood clots, unusual heartbeats, stroke and so on, is puzzling doctors.  “What’s surprising is that people who are fully recovered from COVID are nearly twice as likely to experience these problems, …

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Sweden was right about Covid all along, has lowest mortality rate in the EU

Sweden was right about Covid, has lowest mortality rate in the EU Skavlan

  Sweden’s excess mortality during the pandemic is the lowest in the EU and the Nordics, according to new calculations from Statistics Norway. Sweden was right about Covid: Anders Tegnell, the hero for lockdown sceptics worldwide, was the state epidemiologist in Sweden between 2013 and 2022 who refused to lockdown Sweden. He was harassed by the mainstream media throughout the …

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Bill Gates WHO Plan for Global Medical Takeover

Bill Gates Warns of the Next Pandemic: Bill Gates and Partners Took Control Over Covid-19: Reuters

  Herland Report: Bill Gates WHO Plan: The World Health Organization is attempting to seize control over global pandemic monitoring and response and, ultimately, all health care decisions. Bill Gates intends to play a key part in this takeover. He’s building a pandemic response team for the WHO, dubbed the “Global Epidemic Response & Mobilization” or GERM Team, which will …

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Massive Redistribution of Wealth to the Billionaire Elite

Massive Redistribution of Wealth: Elon Musk richest man: The Massive Corona Redistribution of Wealth, Getty

  Herland Report: Massive Redistribution of Wealth: The Covid-19 virus makes billionaires’ fortune soar with massive profits. Elon Musk is now the richest man in the world, second only to Jeff Bezos – whose fortune also has rocketed during the pandemic. Bill Gates is left behind, the same goes for Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, who a few years ago sat in …

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WHO Globalist Aim to Take Over Health Systems Worldwide

How WHO proposes a worldwide social listening surveillance system Getty

  Herland Report: WHO Health Systems: The globalist cabal is planning to monopolize health systems worldwide through the creation of an international pandemic treaty that makes the World Health Organization the sole decision maker on pandemic matters. The WHO may also be planning to seize power over health systems more broadly. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has stated that his “central priority” …

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How willing scientists created Covid-19 Fear producing Gigantic Billionaire Wealth

How politicized Science help produce Billionaire Wealth: Covid-19 Fear producing Gigantic Billionaire Wealth: Dr. Neil Ferguson, Remember Dr. Neil Ferguson who in the 2020 predicted up to 65 million Covid deaths? Getty

  Herland Report: Covid-19 Fear producing Gigantic Billionaire Wealth: The Covid-19 scandal continues to transfer billions into the pockets of the already ultra-rich, while national economies are faltering under the weight of mass unemployment, bankruptcies, debt and despair. Merging private capital with government funds, the goal of the #Davos World Economic Forum, opens up for a modern billionaire feudalism where the …

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Kishore Mahbubani: COVID-19 enhanced China’s position in the world order

Lack of Morality creates Downfall: Getty WEF

  The coronavirus crisis has enhanced the geopolitical contest between the US and China, said the distinguished Singaporean diplomat and academic, Dr. Kishore Mahbubani in an interview by Ankita Mukhopadhyay with DW News. Despite challenges, China has managed to keep its casualty figures from the virus relatively low compared to some Western countries. Dr. Kishore Mahbubani is a Distinguished Fellow …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite