Tag Archives: Paul Craig Roberts

September 11, 2011: America, a Land Without Truth – Paul Craig Roberts

World Trade Center 9/11 Herland Report AP

It has been 17 days since a four-year study of the collapse of the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center Building 7 by civil engineers was made available to the media.  The study concluded that fire was not the cause of the collapse of the 47-story building. [pullquote]All of these lies have been exposed, but the facts have been kept …

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Brexit stopped by Supreme Court, Paul C. Roberts

Brexit spiked Herland Report Paul C Roberts

When the British people voted Brexit from the European Union, I said in many interviews, and I suppose also in written columns, that I doubted it would ever happen.  It has been three years, and it has not.   [pullquote]Washington expressed its view to the UK government that it was not in Washington’s interest for the UK to exit the EU. In other …

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Federal Reserve rigging bond markets, do financial markets still exist?

2021 predictions from an expert on Russia, China Paul Craig Roberts on the beach with Hanne Herland

  Herland Report: For many decades the Federal Reserve has rigged the bond market by its purchases. And for about a century, central banks have set interest rates (mainly to stabilize their currency’s exchange rate) with collateral effects on securities prices, writes Dr. Paul Craig Roberts with Dave Kranzler and Michael Hudson. No one should find this a surprising suggestion. …

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Western Madness: Who are the victims, the vulnerable?


  Herland Report: Paul Craig Roberts: Some readers, both male and female, wondered why I came to the defense of feminist Laura Tanner.  Why not, I was asked, let a MeTwo babe experience the name-calling and stress that feminists dish out to men and “women apologists for men”? Justice is part of the answer.  Another part of the answer is …

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TV interview: Putin leader of the World now, says Dr. Roberts

Putin leader of the World Paul Roberts Herland Report

  Herland Report TV (HTV): “Increasingly the world sees that Putin is the world leader now. What the neo-con movement has achieved is the destruction of Western Hegemony and the respect for the West,” states Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on Putin leader of the World. He is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy, former editor of Wall Street Journal …

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Russiagate is FBI/Obama/Hillary conspiracy against Trump


  We revisit the RussiaGate allegations that CNN so fervently pursued and portrayed as “a fact” for more than two years. When the story turned out to be a hoax, as the Mueller report confirmed, CNN ratings plummeted. Read the 2018 analysis of one of America’s leading political economists, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, written way before RussiaGate was demolished as …

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Feminism and Criminal Immigrant Destroyed Sweden

Sweden gang rape liberal Heralnd Report

  Herland Report: Feminism and Criminal Immigrant Destroyed Sweden: In Sweden the rape of white Swedish women by black immigrant-invaders never stops. In the latest outrage four Eritreans forced a 13 year old Swedish girl into a bathroom and took turns raping her while filming the gang rape. According to the news report, the vaginal rape was “preceded by violence …

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Fake Charge Against Julian Assange Proves US Government Has No Integrity

Fake Charge Against Julian Assange

  Fake Charge Against Julian Assange: Let’s be sure that we understand that Assange is not charged with anything related to Russia or Russiagate or even with breaking a law. Assange is charged with being in a conspiracy with Manning “to commit computer intrusion.” The charge is not that Assange succeeded in hacking a government computer and obtaining classified information. …

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