Tag Archives: Paul Craig Roberts

Manipulated Economic Outlook: Financial media reports make no sense

Manipulated Economic Outlook: Ap

  As some readers have remarked in their messages to me, I ceased a while back my monthly reports on the Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs reports and inflation rate.   Manipulated Economic Outlook: The reason is that the numbers are not good enough to be able to discern what is the actual state of the economy.  Yet every new number is …

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An American solution for the Unpayable Corporate Debt

A solution for the Unpayable Corporate Debt: Business Insider

Herland Report: A solution for the Unpayable Corporate Debt: Even before the Covid-19 crisis had slashed stock prices nearly in half since it erupted in January, 2020, financial markets were in an inherently unstable condition. Years of quantitative easing had loaded so much money into stock and bond prices that stock price/earnings multiples and bond prices were far too high …

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Privatization of Prisons Is Resurrecting Feudalism

Privatization Is Resurrecting Feudalism: US-Prison-System-Industry-the Economist Herland Report

  Herland Report: Privatization Is Resurrecting Feudalism: America is a country of scandals. The latest scandal is the Jewish multi-billionaire Mike Bloomberg’s use of prison labor call centers to spread the message of his presidential campaign. It seems to me that Bloomberg’s attack on the American Constitution is the scandal, not his use of prison labor. Bloomberg wants to repeal …

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Institutionalizing Theft: PayPal now steals Funds from those they do not like

PayPal now steals Funds: AFP

  Herland Report: PayPal now steals Funds: Last week PayPal, an online service for making and receiving payments, announced that at PayPal’s “sole discretion” $2,500 would be seized from accounts of those PayPal decided were guilty of spreading misinformation.   “Misinformation” is whatever some speech control office at PayPal doesn’t like or dissent from official narratives.  In other words, PayPal announced a …

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Edward Snowden Granted Russian Citizenship

Snowden Granted Russian Citizenship: Edward Snowden: The greatest redistribution of power since Industrial Revolution Herland Report

  Herland Report: Edward Snowden was granted Russian citizenship. Snowden had to flee his country, because he released information that proved that the NSA was illegally spying on US citizens. The presstitutes will use Snowden’s grant of citizenship as proof that he was a Russian spy, not a patriotic whistleblower trying to alert his countrymen to their danger. I would …

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A critical examination of the 9/11 official story

Post 9/11 crimes came the downfall of America: Herland Report Getty

  Herland Report: Over the years many have questioned what really happened during the 9/11 World Trade Center attack in New York, 2001, when Al Qaida linked Islamists hijacked airplanes and performed suicide attacks in the US. So we were told. Yet, the World Trade Center Building 7 has remained a mystery, as no planes were flown into this building, …

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The Diminishing, Manipulated, Corrupt American Economy

Private Corporate Interests now Rule the World: US dollar

  Herland Report: Paul Craig Roberts: Since June 2009 Americans have lived in the false reality of a recovered economy.   Various fake news and manipulated statistics have been used to create this false impression.  However, indicators that really count have not supported the false picture and were ignored.  For example, it is normal in a recovering or expanding economy for the …

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EXCLUSIVE interview with William Binney: Mass Surveillance State destroys Democracy

Interview with William (Bill) Binney: Our Totalitarian Democracy means end of Freedom, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks with William Binney about mass surveillance of citizens, September 11, 9-11 and One World Order. Herland Report is pleased to release the first interview with former NSA director, William E. Binney. He is the co-founder of The Research Center at the National Security Agency’ headquarter in Maryland and senior whistleblower, – the original …

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Europe should break away from destructive Washington’s control and serve European interests

Europe should break away: Paul Craig Roberts, Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Herland Report: European governments do not realize their potential to save the world from Washington’s aggression, because the western Europeans are accustomed to being Washington’s vassal states since the end of World War 2. The eastern and central Europeans have accepted Washington’s vassalage since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Vassalage pays well if all the costs are not counted. …

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