Tag Archives: #PaulCraigRoberts

Jeffrey Epstein, murder or murder or…suicide?


  Herland Report: In an interview with Associated Press, US Attorney General William Barr put all conspiracy theories to rest once and for all by assuring the world that alleged sex trafficker and alleged billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s death was simply the result of a very, very, very long series of unfortunate coincidences…? This writes Caitlin Johnston, notorious blogger, journalist and …

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Only Donald Trump Can Save America with Our Support

USA nationalism flag America Donald Trump

  Herland Report: Now that the “quid pro quo gate” hoax has collapsed, like the Russiagate hoax, the presstitutes are inventing a new quid pro quo hoax. It wasn’t money that Trump dangled before the Ukrainian president in exchange for an investigation of Ukraine’s contribution to the Russiagate hoax. It was a presidential visit to Ukraine. I listened to the …

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Telling the Truth Has Become an Anti-American Act

2021 predictions from an expert on Russia, China Paul Craig Roberts on the beach with Hanne Herland

  Herland Report: Paul Craig Roberst: Stephen Cohen and I emphasize that the state of tension today between the United States and Russia is more dangerous than during the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union. For calling needed attention to the risk of nuclear war heightened by the current state of tension, both Cohen and I have …

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Stalinist Show Trial of Julian Assange, Paul Craig Roberts

Julian Assange, Holberg Prize

  Herland Report: We Are Witnessing the Death of the Western World. I never thought that the English would abandon their concept of law as a shield of the people’s civil liberty.  But they have.  The English justice system serves as an appendage of the American Police State.  Neither the US nor the UK can any longer lay claim to …

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Is Capitalism Killing Us? Poison, pollution, #Monsanto

Is Capitalism Killing Us? Poison, pollution, #Monsanto Monsanto Herland Report

  Paul Craig Roberts: A public health organization, the Environmental Working Group, recently reported that its tests found glyphosate in all but 2 of 45 children’s breakfast foods including granola, oats and snack bars made by Quaker, Kellogg and General Mills.  In Brazil tests have discovered that 83% of mothers’ breast milk contains glyphosate. The Munich Environmental Institute reported that …

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Russian Defense Minister: Declining West Cannot Be Trusted

Poverty in America, Huffington Herland Report

  Herland Report: The current level of divisiveness in the declining West is sad to watch. The stupidities of the American political and media theatre on impeachments and ongoing allegations of treason and who-lied-to-who is a complete mess. It demonstrates to the world that we have lost order, respect and cultural dignity. [pullquote]Today, greed and lust, selfishness and cultural decay …

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International break through: Interviews with Senators, politicians, CIA, NSA directors

Washington Herland Report Hanne

  The Herland Report has upcoming interviews with US senators, politicians, professors, former CIA directors, whistleblowers and NSA directors. We also speak to leading lawyers, Judicial Watch, famous journalists and psychologists, as well as bishops, spiritual leaders and leaders from Black Lives Matter. The analysis will present a comprehensive outlook on current international affairs in the months to come, as …

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