Tag Archives: Persecution

Near Genocide of Christians in the Muslim World


  Herland Report: Pervasive Near Genocide of Christians in the Muslim world, is ongoing in parts of the Middle East, and has prompted an exodus in the past two decades, according to a report commissioned by the British foreign secretary, Jeremy Hunt. Millions of Christians in the region have been uprooted from their homes, and many have been killed, kidnapped, …

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EXCLUSIVE: Norwegian celebrity, Kari Jaquesson in war torn Syria

Kari Jaquesson

  Herland Report: Many, and especially today, are fearful of breaking out of the safe spot – the “politically correct” sphere – and stand up for what they believe in. If they do, the risk for public punishment is high, alienation, slander in the media and so on.  We proudly present an interview with Norwegian TV star, Kari Jaquesson, who …

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Christians are under Persecution siege across the world

Getty Christians are under siege across the world, Herland Report

  Herland Report: It is estimated that about one-third of the globe’s population suffers from religious persecution. By the numbers, Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world. We are seeing mass exoduses of Christians from Middle Eastern countries in which they are indigenous inhabitants. An Italian study calculates that in 2016, a Christian was killed for his or her …

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A tribute to the Coptic Christians in Egypt God is Great


  Herland Report: In a time when minorities in the Middle East, such as the Coptic Christians of Egypt, are experiencing an unprecedented degree of persecution from Islamists in the region, songs like these remind us of the multicultural fabric of nations such as Egypt. It is an ethnic mosaic which is a beautiful testament to the diversity and plurality …

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Saudi Arabia wahhabisme er betydelig ideologisk trussel mot Europa – Trond Ali Linstad

Saudi Arabia wahhabisme er betydelig ideologisk trussel mot Europa: Trond Ali Linstad, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Saudi Arabia wahhabisme er betydelig ideologisk trussel mot Europa: Wahhabiere/fundamentalister, for hvem det er forbudt å klippe skjegget, fordømmer kristne, jøder, andre troende og muslimer som ikke er enige med dem, for å være «frafalne», «hedninger» og «vantro» – som fortjener å bli massakrert og drept. Wahhabikampanjen har nådd Norge. Moskeer er bygget eller egnete lokaler kjøpt, med midler fra …

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Life under Saudi Arabia + Qatar Islamists: Christians tortured, raped, crucified for not converting to Islam – Raymond Ibrahim

Modern Man needs Religion: Herland Report banner

  Raymond Ibrahim will be a regular contributor to The Herland Report, generously allowing us to publish his articles. Ibrahim is of Egyptian decent and a strong voice against the persecution of Christians in the Middle East, especially critical of the politicized sunni-Islamist movement that fuels sectarian strife between groups in the region. He has famously stated that the US …

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