Tag Archives: Persecution

The FBI Trump Raid: Gestapo Democrats in the Banana Republic of America

Donald Trump speech on the Deep State: America is permanently divided: Donald Trump, Getty

  Herland Report: FBI Trump Raid: The Democrats in power in Washington have weaponized the FBI and Department of Justice (sic) in an effort to criminalize President Trump.   They tried this with Russiagate, with impeachment, with their fabricated January 6 Insurrection, and now they have sent an army of FBI agents into Trump’s home, relying on the presstitutes to tell …

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The Black Lives that Don’t Matter at All: African Christians Murdered in Churches

The Black Lives that Don’t Matter: Nigerian Christians mourning after another fatal church attack in 2018. Raymond Ibrahim.

  Herland Report: The Black Lives that Don’t Matter: Last Sunday, June 5, 2022, Islamic terrorists stormed the St. Francis Catholic Church in Ondo, Nigeria, and massacred more than 50 Christians who were otherwise peacefully worshipping their God. Videos, according to one report, “showed church worshippers lying in pools of blood while people around them wailed.” As terrible as this massacre might seem, …

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Alexandr Solzhenitsyn: The failings of human consciousness, deprived of its divine dimension, is determining factor in all major crimes of this century

Soviet Atheist Repression Alexandr Solzhenitsyn: Cinema

  Herland Report: The Christian thinker, novelist and Nobel Prize laureate 1970, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn spoke vividly about the meaning of the repressive atheist experiment in the Soviet Union. Solzhenitsyn is referred to as the symbol of the contemporary Orthodox Christian revival in Russia, as he experienced more than sixty years of suffering under the harsh Soviet regime and came out undefeated …

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Imitating Islam in Persecuting Christians: The Woke War on the Christian Cross

The 15 Years That Destroyed America: The Arctic Fox Cometh Imitating Islam in Persecuting Christians: Mission St. Gabriel, California, Church burning has come to America, just like ISIS burned churches in the Middle EastUSA

  Herland Report: Imitating Islam in Persecuting Christians: In many ways, the “secular Left” and Islam appear to be diametrically opposed: the Left is sexually promiscuous, Islam isn’t; the Left believes in countless genders, Islam doesn’t; the Left believes in all sorts of freedoms, Islam believes only in draconian sharia — and so on and so forth. When it comes to …

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Social Media does not Stop Muslim hate speech and incitement for Murder

Social Media does not Stop Muslim hate speech: Nabil H. Salama Executed by jihadists on the accusation that he was acting like a jihadist (Ayat Oraby, right)

  Herland Report: Social Media does not Stop Muslim hate speech: Despite Facebook’s zeal at censoring so-called “hate speech” and “offensive content,” violent, radical, and murderous content from Muslim terror groups is allowed to appear on and make use of the social media giant’s platform. According to a recent report, writes Islamic scholar and bestselling author, Raymond Ibrahim, a regular to …

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Diminishing respect for Christianity in Israel? Patriarchs of Jerusalem with critique of Jewish Radicals’ intimidation

Christian Values: Diminishing respect for Christianity in Israel?Reuters

  Herland Report: Diminishing respect for Christianity in Israel? The Patriarchs and Heads of Local Churches of Jerusalem recently voiced growing concern of Jewish Orthodox and other radicals who are continually persecuting the Christian communities in Jerusalem. They argued that if the continuous intimidation of local Christian communities, the regular assault of priests and churches attacked is not stopped or dealt …

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Why America Failed to ‘Win Hearts’ in Afghanistan: Oblivious of Culture, thought only of Materialism

Why America Failed in Afghanistan: Getty

  Herland Report: Why America Failed in Afghanistan: In many ways, arrogant leftist thinking—indeed, the leftist paradigm in its entirety—led to the disaster that is Afghanistan. Many, especially those of Afghan background, have made this clear in the aftermath of America’s withdrawal.  Consider the words of Baktash Ahadi, an Afghan-American who served as an interpreter for the U.S. military for years: How could …

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The Russian defense of Christianity while the West falls to Atheism

The Western success story: Hanne Herland

  Herland Report: The Russian defense of Christianity: Let us take a closer look at the paradox that Russia is now the leading public defender of Christianity. We do not hear much about it in the mainstream media, yet from being an atheist state, Russia now boasts more than 70 % of its population as Christians. The massive revival of …

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The End of Christianity in Turkey – Erdogan’s war on Christians

The Irrational Liberal hatred of religion:WND Herland Report

  Herland Report: Raymond Ibrahim: The End of Christianity in Turkey: In once-secular Turkey, hate for Christians has come to permeate every segment of society. Turkish authorities have the power simply to confiscate or close churches. Islamic terror attacks that target Christians in Turkey have been noticeably on the rise, writes Islamic scholar, Raymond Ibrahim, a regular at The Herland …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite