Tag Archives: Racism

Growing British racism against the Jewish Minority: Jeremy Corbyn and Israel

Growing British racism against the Jewish Minority: Jeremy Corbyn

  Herland Report:  Racism, the practice of judging individuals and groups solely based on ethnic origin, is a long standing cultural problem in Europe. In Left wing politics it is apparent in the denigrating view of non-Western immigrants who are chronically viewed as victims that “must be helped into the welfare system,” insinuating that they are not able to help …

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Milo Yiannopoulos: America divided with tyrannical censorship on Free Speech

America divided with tyrannical censorship on Free Speech: Milo on Herland Report.

  Herland Report: America divided with tyrannical censorship on Free Speech: The Herland Report features Milo Yiannopoulos in a series of interviews on our TV Channel. We address the deterioration of American values under the current globalist US elites. [pullquote]Milo argues that the aggressive, activist New Left has used the first amendment to advocate for tyranny. [/pullquote] What happened to …

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White Helmets bedrageriet “Last Men in Aleppo” – Eva Thomassen

White Helmets bedrageriet

  Herland Report: White Helmets bedrageriet: Filmen ”Last Men in Aleppo” er vist over hele den vestlige verden, fått priser, fått folk til å gråte, klappe og gi enda flere penger til 3000 ”redningsheltene” i White Helmets. Men hvem er egentlig White Helmets og hvorfor får vi bare høre bruddstykker om hvem som står bak disse organisasjonene? På Herland Report …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite