Tag Archives: Racism

Was George Floyd a hero or a problem for America Society? #PoliceMurder

Was George Floyd a hero or a problem for America Society? Adam Tramell disabled killed by police

  Herland Report: Was George Floyd a hero or a problem for America Society? In the United States, hundreds are killed by the police yearly. The growing amount of disturbing stories of unarmed citizens killed by police is very worrisome, the George Floyd killing only the latest in a string of similar murders taking place. Across America, police cars and government …

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Why does Black America hail criminal George Floyd as hero, asks Candace Owens

Why does Black America hail a criminal like George Floyd as a hero and martyr, asks Candace Owens:

  Herland Report: Why does Black America hail criminal George Floyd as hero and martyr, asks Candace Owens: Candace Owens is an American free thinker who has become immensely popular for stating that Democrats are abusing Black Americans by inciting them with a “victim mentality” in order to use their votes to their own benefit. She implies that the victimization …

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Politidrapet på George Floyd, corona desperasjon, fattigdom og politiserte opptøyer i USA

Media Complicit in Mass Murders: George Floyd Killed Himself by drug overdose, read Medical Examiner's report: Police officer Chauvin did not kill him, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Politidrapet på George Floyd, corona desperasjon, fattigdom og politiserte opptøyer i USA: Politidrapet på George Floyd 25. mai førte kun til at politimennene som deltok mistet jobben. Først da opptøyene tok til, ble Derek Chauvin, som forårsaket Floyds død arrestert. Den 46 år gamle mannen, George Floyd døde etter at politimannen, Derek Chauvin i over åtte minutter …

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Watch Milo Yiannopoulos TV interview: New Left Feminism creates weak women

Feminism creates weak women, Milo Yiannopoulos: Herland Report.

  Herland Report: Feminism creates weak women, Milo Yiannopoulos: Herland Report TV host, historian, Hanne Nabintu Herland met with Milo Yiannopoulos in provokingly candid conversations about how the 1960s New Left feminism’ negative impact. One of the leading free thinkers and advocates for free speech in the West, Milo Yiannopoulos says in the teaser to this program with him on …

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Marxist ANC Racist Violence Against White South Africans Ignored

ANC Racist Violence Against White South Africans: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Helen Raleigh: ANC Racist Violence Against White South Africans: The more radical wing of South Africa’s ruling party has long pressured its leaders to redistribute wealth from the white minority to the black majority in any way they can. They’ve begun that process, violently. White farmers in South Africa face an existential threat, yet the governments of …

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Massive US Economic boost under Trump, media silent #Blacks

Coup against Trump Fails Reuters

  Herland Report:  Massive US Economic boost under Trump: The mainstream media are remarkably quiet about it, refusing to address president Donald Trump’s record breaking economy, ahead of the State of the Union Address.  All we have heard about from CNN the past years, has either been “Russia Gate” or more recently “Impeachment”. Apparently it does not matter to the …

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The West support Marxist ANC in South Africa to destroy country?

South Africa white genocide soweto ANC

  Herland Report:The West support Marxist ANC in South Africa to destroy? As South Africa is struggling with yet another Race War, journalist Anthony LoBaido, who has travelled extensively across Southern Africa, elaborates at WND on the atrocities of the Marxist ANC in the past. The article is worth reading, as it describes some of the elements of South African …

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Europeans allow gross violation of its own population Sweden


  Herland Report: Paul Craig Roberts: Here is a video of one of the migrant gangs that have been welcomed into Europe sticking a pistol’s barrel into the mouth of a male Swedish teenager and ordering him to dance.  Europeans allow gross violation of own population. Try to imagine what would happen to a Swede who stuck a gun’s barrel …

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We are to meet the needs of those who Suffer – KirbyJon Caldwell

KirbyJon Caldwell Texas USA Herland Report

  Herland Report TV (HTV): “Racism, classism, materialism, imperialism – Jesus opposes all those -isms,” says reverend Kirbyjon Caldwell, one of the leading spiritual leaders in America and Senior Pastor of Windsor Village Methodist Church in Houston, Texas. We had the pleasure of a sit down with the famous pastor, to hear his take on current affairs in the United …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite