Tag Archives: Russland

Interview with the Founder of People Diplomacy Norway, Hendrik Weber on Donetsk

Zakharschenko People Diplomacy Norway, Hendrik Weber, Donetsk, Herland Report

  Herland Report: International geopolitics has brought Ukraine to the forefront of the international power game, fuelling ethnic strife and conflict. The Western mainstream coverage only presents one side of the Ukrainian civil war and the media coverage almost solely reflects the geopolitical perspectives and goals of the American Military Complex in the quest to dominate Europe’s Eastern borders. (Feature …

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Fascisme og feiring av NAZI symboler i vestlig støttet Ukraina – Bjørn Nistad

Fascisme og feiring av NAZI symboler i vestlig støttet Ukraina

  Fascisme og feiring av NAZI symboler i vestlig støttet Ukraina: Fascismens fremvekst i Ukraina har vært bredt omtalt, mens media er påfallende stille om at dette er holdningene til de vi støtter i Ukraina. Sist nå, i Lvov i Vest-Ukraina pågår en full rehabilitering av den ukrainske fascismen, skriver doktor i russisk historie og leder for Russisk Opplysningssenter i …

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Dokumentert ingen kjemisk angrep i Douma, Ghouta

Moral greatness of Putin Paul Craig Roberts, Herland REport

  Dokumentert ingen kjemisk angrep i Douma: Erfarne journalister som Pearson Sharp fra den amerikanske TV statsjonen One America News Network har nå vært i Douma, Øst Ghouta i Syria og undersøkt anklagene fra White Helmets om at det skal ha foregått et “kjemisk angrep” i Douma. Det samme har den legendariske journalisten Robert Fisk.  Se førstehåndsdokumentasjonen som Sharp leverer, …

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Sergei Skripal sirkuset: Sveits laboratorieanalysen viste at novichok ble ikke brukt – Bjørn Ditlef Nistad

Sergei Skripal Herland Report

  Det meste er uklart når det gjelder det påståtte drapsforsøket 4. mars 2018 på den tidligere russiske etterretningsagenten Sergej Skripal og hans datter Julija. En forutsetning for å kunne forholde seg til saken på en fornuftig måte, er at Sergej og Jurija Skripal trer frem for offentligheten, slik at det blir mulig å stille dem spørsmål om hendelsen. Til tross …

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The US attack on Syria violated all international law

The US attack on Syria violated all international law: Paul Craig Roberts, Herland REport

  The US attack on Syria violated all international law: The main effect of the US/UK/France attack on Syria seems to be that Trump has further discredited himself and the US by violating the UN Charter and international law and committing an act of aggression, which is a war crime for which Nazi civilian and military officials were executed, writes Dr. …

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Russian nuclear arsenal restores world bipolarity?- Voltaire

While the experts were wondering about the possible evolution of the world order towards a multipolar system, or even a simple tripolar system, the sudden advances of Russian military technology force the return to a bipolar organisation. Let’s take another look at what we have learned over the last three years, until the President Putin’s revelations on 1 March 2018, …

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Bjørnar Moxnes om Norges krigsdeltagelse: Stortinget

Bjørnar Moxnes om Norges krigsdeltagelse Herland Report

  Herland Report: Bjørnar Moxnes om Norges krigsdeltagelse: Det står stor respekt av Rødt leder Bjørnar Moxnes’ tale på Stortinget der han påpeker at Norges politiske elite har tatt drastiske skritt bort fra det som har vært viktige hovedlinjer i norsk utenrikspolitikk siden andre verdenskrig. Mens Norge fra 1945 til 1999 ikke var med på en eneste angrepskrig uten FN-mandat, …

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The Skripal Circus: Read the Russian Embassy in London’s unanswered questions

The Skripal Circus: Herland Report

  Ludwig Watzal: The West is doing everything to fabricate a cause of war against or to isolate Russia further internationally. So far, ‚Novichok‘ rests on rumors. The affair was made up the British and the French intelligence agencies without having presented any evidence, writes editor Dr. Ludwig Watzal on The Herland Report, first published here. He runs the bilingual blog “Between the …

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The Sergei Skripal Circus is British Comedy

Sergei Skripal

  Herland Report: Frankly, the current British effort to slam Russia is turning into a comedy. The British should return to their roots and search for better script writers than in the current Skripal Circus case.  After all, only 24 % of the British believe in the mainstream media, two-thirds among Americans believe that mainstream media is full of fake news.   …

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Amal Wahab supports terrorists in Syria? Eva Thomassen

Journalist Amal Wahab supports terrorists in Syria? Eastern Ghouta battlefield

  Herland Report: The Norwegian journalist, Amal A. Wahab serves as a classic example of the propaganda-support for terrorist groups in Syria that keeps the West from getting a balanced look at the international geopolitical power play in the region.  Eva Thomassen asks in this article why, in her view, Western journalists like Amal Wahab so openly writes articles in …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite