Tag Archives: Trump

Paul Craig Roberts St. Petersburg Economic Forum Conference Speech

Worse Financial Crisis than in 2008: The notion of White Privilege is one of the most absurd fantasies in human history paul craig roberts

  This is the lecture I would have given if I had been able to accept the invitation to address the St. Petersburg Economic Conference in Russia this weekend, writes Dr.Paul Craig Roberts, one of the leading American political economists and a regular contributor at The Herland Report. Read exclusive articles and watch interviews here, and here, and here. If the …

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No chemical attack in Syria: Assad has won the war – Senator Richard Black

No chemical attack in Syria:

  Herland Report: No chemical attack in Syria: Virginia State Senator Richard Black discusses the latest “chemical attack” in Syria as a false flag attempt at pressuring Trump into a reckless confrontation with Russia in Syria. The British have seemed particularly keen on creating a confrontation between world powers in Syria, the Skripal circus illustrates the point.     Senator …

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Dokumentert ingen kjemisk angrep i Douma, Ghouta

Moral greatness of Putin Paul Craig Roberts, Herland REport

  Dokumentert ingen kjemisk angrep i Douma: Erfarne journalister som Pearson Sharp fra den amerikanske TV statsjonen One America News Network har nå vært i Douma, Øst Ghouta i Syria og undersøkt anklagene fra White Helmets om at det skal ha foregått et “kjemisk angrep” i Douma. Det samme har den legendariske journalisten Robert Fisk.  Se førstehåndsdokumentasjonen som Sharp leverer, …

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Russian nuclear arsenal restores world bipolarity?- Voltaire

While the experts were wondering about the possible evolution of the world order towards a multipolar system, or even a simple tripolar system, the sudden advances of Russian military technology force the return to a bipolar organisation. Let’s take another look at what we have learned over the last three years, until the President Putin’s revelations on 1 March 2018, …

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Interview with Milo Yiannopoulos: New Left stole America’s freedom

Milo Yiannopoulos: America lost its freedom: Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  Herland Report: Milo Yiannopoulos: America lost its freedom: Milo Yiannopoulos has for years been a free-thinker within the Conservative movement in the West. He is an unusual intellectual with a provoking technique of fearless speech, a New York Times bestselling author and an internet guru. We sat down with Milo in provokingly honest conversations about the deterioration of freedom …

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