No chemical attack in Syria:

No chemical attack in Syria: Assad has won the war – Senator Richard Black


Herland Report: No chemical attack in Syria: Virginia State Senator Richard Black discusses the latest “chemical attack” in Syria as a false flag attempt at pressuring Trump into a reckless confrontation with Russia in Syria.

The British have seemed particularly keen on creating a confrontation between world powers in Syria, the Skripal circus illustrates the point.


“In New Left Tyranny, Hanne Nabintu Herland shows that the neo-Marxist New Left created a dysfunctional society by abandoning the working class and attacking traditional values. As a consequence, social cohesion dissolved into selfishness and a lack of personal responsibility. Western societies have been fragmentized into the hate politics of Identity Politics. This is a remarkable book by a remarkable person. Excellent work.” Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, leading American political economist. In the US, buy it here! In the UK, Europe use this link or browse for the book on the regional Amazon portal in your country.


Senator Richard Black says:

No chemical attack in Syria: “We, the United States, launched an attack on Syria and, possibly, the Russian troops therein, based on perfidious British lies; based on what may turn out to be history’s final and blackest intelligence hoax, the one that eliminated the human race.”

“At the same time, President Trump’s personal lawyer’s office was raided today, April 9, 2018, based on a referral from Special Counsel Robert Mueller.”




“The issue apparently concerns allegations surrounding a years old affair between the President and the lying and disgusting porn star Stormy Daniels. This is considered so serious by Mueller and our corrupt FBI, that the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution can be summarily tossed aside.”

“These two outrageous events are completely related. Unless you rise up with us right now to stop it, this country is in grave, graver peril.”

“The outright attempt to blackmail this President into the war he was elected to stop has been escalated beyond anyone’s imagination.”



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