Tag Archives: venezuela

An historical overview: United States and Venezuela, the country with the largest oil reserves in the world

United States and Venezuela, the country with the largest oil reserves in the world Herland Report

  Herland Report: It has increasingly become more difficult for the United States to get away with the so-called “regime change” all around the world. The internett media increased criticism, bringing a variety of views and perspectives, makes it steadily harder for the elite owned US mainstream media to retain control over the narrative. Read the overview of the United …

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Venezuela: A display of U.S Empire in critical decline, Joaquin Flores

Venezuela: A display of U.S Empire in critical decline, Joaquin Flores, Herland Report

  Herland Report: U.S Empire in critical decline: Venezuelan President pretender Juan Guaido is about to topple the structures of power in Venezuela, mustering an impressive insurgent and popular military force of …. fourteen men. Yes, surely it is absurd. But in the details of this ridiculous looking ‘attempt’ at phase n of the coup, so very much needs to …

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On endless repeat Iraq, Libya, Syria, Venezuela – Regime killing its own

Will Censorship Prevail? Herland Report

  Herland Report: On endless repeat we hear the same message of “implementing democracy” and “saving the nation from the brutal dictator”, from Iraq to Afghanistan, from Libya to Syria. Now Venezuela: “Genocide by state leader”, “Maduro is killing his own people”, “if US does not win, Venezuela will become another Syria”, as stated by  Senators such as Rick Scott …

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The three purposes of the successful RussiaGate – Paul C. Roberts

The three purposes of the successful RussiaGate - Paul C. Roberts

  Herland Report: Russiagate has three purposes. One is to prevent President Trump from endangering the vast budget and power of the military/security complex by normalizing relations with Russia. Another, in the words of James Howard Kunstler, is “to conceal the criminal conduct of US government officials meddling in the 2016 election in collusion with the Hillary Clinton campaign,” by …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite