University Study Finds Fire Did Not Cause Building 7 Collapse 9/11: 9/11 World Trade Center attack 2001 Getty Herland Report

University Study Finds Fire Did Not Cause Building 7 Collapse 9/11


Herland Report: University Study Finds Fire Did Not Cause Building 7 Collapse 9/11: It is unfortunate that such an important report was released during a health and economic crisis when it will be overshadowed and neglected by two simultaneous crises.

On March 25, 2020, researchers at the University of Alaska Fairbanks issued the final report of a four-year computer modeling study on the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7, writes Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.

He is one of the United States’ leading economic analysts and a regular contributor to The Herland Report.


Dr. Roberts is widely known as one of the West’s most important intellectuals. He is a regular contributor to The Herland Report TV. The programs with Dr. Roberts may be viewed here: Program 1: Neo-Con Totalitarianism, program 2: Totalitarianism in the West, program 3: The Washington Tyranny, program 4: The Hatred of the White, Hetero Male.

Program 5: Financial Crisis Looming, program 6: The Shocking Truth about Trump and the Media, program 7: The Enslavement of the Working Class.



World Trade Center bombing 9 11 Getty
University Study Finds Fire Did Not Cause Building 7 Collapse 9/11:  The Final Report of the University of Alaska’s engineering study of the collapse of WTC building 7 can be downloaded here or here. Also check out these topics at CNN or FOX News. Other sources may be New York Times, USA Today, the Washington Post or from the British angle, BBC, The Guardian, The Telegraph or Financial Times.


University Study Finds Fire Did Not Cause Building 7 Collapse 9/11:  The 47-story WTC 7 was the third skyscraper to be completely destroyed on September 11, 2001, collapsing rapidly and symmetrically into its footprint at 5:20 PM.

Seven years later, investigators at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) concluded that WTC 7 was the first steel-framed high-rise ever to have collapsed solely as a result of normal office fires.




Contrary to the conclusions of NIST, the UAF research team finds that the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11 was not caused by fires but instead was caused by the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building [which means it was a controlled demolition].

The Final Report of the University of Alaska’s engineering study of the collapse of WTC building 7 can be downloaded here or here.


The level of censorship in social media and search engines is all-time high. Do like thousands of others, subscribe to The Herland Report newsletter here!

Also check out these topics at CNN or FOX News. Other sources may be New York TimesUSA Today, the Washington Post or from the British angle, BBC, The Guardian, The Telegraph or Financial Times.

About the author

The level of censorship in social media and search engines is all-time high. Do like thousands of others, subscribe to The Herland Report newsletter here! Led by Scandinavian bestselling author, Hanne Nabintu Herland, The Herland Report news and opinion website provides independent analysis from leading Western intellectuals and ground breaking YouTube interviews, cutting through the mainstream media rhetoric. It is a great place to watch interviews and read the articles of leading intellectuals, thought leaders, authors and activists from across the political spectrum. The Herland Report believes in freedom of speech and its editorial policy resides above the traditional Left vs Right paradigm which we believe has lost its relevance and ability to describe the current driving forces in Western politics.
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