
Davos 2023 – Funeral of Globalism, next is Collapse of Western Dominance

Davos 2023 - Funeral of Globalism: World Economic Forum

  Ekaterina Blinova Reports “Globalization has died and Davos 2023 was its funeral.”  Read her report here. Davos 2023 – Funeral of Globalism: The neoconservative attack on Russia and China has a silver lining.  It has killed Globalism.   Russia and China and the countries dependent on Russian energy and Chinese goods and financing have been cut off from the WEF’s effort …

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Australia birth rate drops 63% after Covid vaccines

Cancer Tsunami expected from 2025: Shocking Study on COVID Vaccines: PAHO

  New data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) shows that ever since Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” were launched, the birth rate Down Under has plunged by an astounding 63 percent, writes Natural News. Australia birth rate: From October to November in 2021, there was a 21 percent decrease in births compared to the average over a 10-year …

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New Congress is Appendage of Wall Street

The Anti-American Universities Are a Much Greater Threat to Us than Putin and China: Herland REport

  The midterm elections delivered to the American people a stark, stark message. This new Congress is entirely incapable of serving its constitutional role as the legislative branch of government because it functions as a mere appendage of Wall Street.  Appendage of Wall Street: The Republican and Democratic Parties have been reduced to play toys for billionaires and multinational corporations …

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Wallowing Pessimism in the West, Optimism for the Future in Asia

Pessimism in the West: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Pessimism in the West: Almost without exception, all the other truly global cities are rooted in either their Western or Eastern cultures. New York and London, Paris and Berlin clearly breathe and exude the Western zeitgeist, which is wallowing in pessimism. Beijing and Shanghai, New Delhi and Mumbai and much of Asia view the future with optimism. …

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Stanford professor Jay Bhattacharya: Lockdowns are worst public health mistake in 100 years

The Nouriel Roubini warning: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a prominent Stanford Medical School professor and health economist recently said in an interview that lockdowns are the “single worst public health mistake in a hundred years. The harm to people is catastrophic.” “I stand behind my comment that the lockdowns are the single worst public health mistake in the last 100 years,” Jay Bhattacharya …

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Mikhail Gorbachev R.I.P.

Mikhail Gorbachev R.I.P. AFP Photo

  Herland Report: Mikhail Gorbachev was the first President of the Soviet Union and the last Soviet leader. He was the best of the younger generation of Communist Party members who understood, like US President Ronald Reagan, the futility of the Cold War and the needless threat of nuclear Armageddon. Gorbachev also understood that the repressions and hardships of the …

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TV interview: Self-Determination for Europeans in Europe denied

Self-Determination in Europe denied: Herland Report TV host, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to Fort Russ News, Joaquin Flores

  Herland Report: Self-Determination in Europe denied: Herland Report TV host, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to Fort Russ News, Joaquin Flores about discrimination of Europeans as the indigenous people in Europe. The TV program also addresses the wave of illegal immigration into Europe, racism and the EU leadership’s demonization of patriotism. Watch it here. Why are we fighting for the …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite