Current Affairs

How Texas got out of the Covid lockdown recession

Lessons from the WACO scandal: Big Government produces Big Atrocities:  Ron Paul

  Herland Report: How Texas got out of the Covid lockdown: In March, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced that Texas would open for business 100 percent without a statewide mask mandate. The pro-lockdown “experts” were shocked. If a state as big as Texas joined Florida and succeeded in thumbing its nose at “the science” – which told us that for the …

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Norwegian Conference on Crimea in a geopolitical perspective – People Diplomacy Norway

Norwegian Conference on Crimea: Hendrik Weber, People Diplomacy Norway, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Norwegian Conference on Crimea: People Diplomacy Norway (Folkediplomati Norge) will hold a new conference with the theme “Crimea in a geopolitical perspective” that will elucidate the geopolitical changes in our relationship with Russia. Speakers will include Mikail Solomentsev, who is representing Dr. G. Muradov, Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea, as well as Norwegian professor, Glenn Diesen, author Lars Birkelund …

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French Military Warns Again of the Disintegration of France

Neocons Sacrifice the Ukrainians: News putin ukraine

  Herland Report: French Military Warns: In 1976 Jean Raspail described the future fate of France in The Camp of the Saints.  France is disintegrating precisely as Raspail described. The French military is being punished by the traitorous French government for giving truthful and patriotic warnings, but in Europe today national patriotism is regarded as fascism. In place of an ethnic …

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America’s richest boost fortunes by $195 billion in Biden’s first 100 days

Control global health: Bill Gates CEO Magazine Herland Report

  Herland Report: During US President Joe Biden’s first hundred days in office, the wealthiest billionaire Americans have – as expected – become one of the main beneficiaries of his presidency. The combined net worth of the top 100 ultra-rich people in the US has skyrocketed by $195 billion since Biden took office, according to Bloomberg. From his election to his inauguration, …

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COVID-19 pandemic has propelled us into a whole new global frontier

Liberals want a Race War: Herland Report, Getty

  Herland Report: The COVID-19 pandemic has propelled us into a whole new global frontier. Those hoping to navigate this interconnected and highly technological world of contact tracing, vaccine passports and digital passes will find themselves grappling with issues that touch on deep-seated moral, political, religious and personal questions for which there may be no clear-cut answers. We are about to …

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INTERVIEW John Whitehead: Militarization of Police Forces and Police Brutality

JOhn Whitehead at HErland Report thumb

  Herland Report host, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to Constitutional attorney, John Whitehead about the US militarization of police forces and police brutality. Whitehead also addresses the deliberate dumbing down of the American people, rampant culture of fear, the sovietization of American society and lack of respect for the first amendment in the Constitution. Watch it here.     John …

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Good-bye Liberty as America enters Years of Humiliation

Good-bye Liberty as America enters Years of Humiliation: Gangs, mafia, lies and disorder: Herland Report

  Herland Report: America enters Years of Humiliation: I have pointed out that no facts known at this time support a Covid passport. NY Governor Cuomo is establishing a Covid passport that will show vaccination or a recent negative test. It will serve as permission to enter events or venues. Will this passport be efficacious, or is its purpose to get us …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite