Current Affairs

Evidence emerge Capitol breach was pre-planned, Antifa etc. present

Donald Trump speech on the Deep State: America is permanently divided: Donald Trump, Getty

  Herland Report: Evidence emerge Capitol breach was pre-planned: FBI charges against Capitol trespassers reveal pre-planning and erode incitement allegation. The FBI knew of the plan in advance and informed the Capitol Police on January 5, the day before Trump’s speech. It turns out that some of the trespassers are Antifa and media members, not Trump supporters, writes one of …

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Putin at Davos: Warns of dark Anti Utopian days ahead

Vladimir Putin at Davos: Warns of dark anti utopian days ahead, GEtty

  The Moscow Times highlighted topics in the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin’s speech at Davos World Economic Forum, where he appeared for the first time in a decade. The President commented on a number of serious issues facing the world as tensions escalate: “There is every reason to believe that there are risks of further escalating contradictions. …

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Megyn Kelly: Complete Lack Of Trust In Media

Megyn Kelly: Complete Lack Of Trust In Media: Getty

  Daily Wire: In an interview with “BBC Newsnight” on Saturday, former Fox News anchor and current podcast host Megyn Kelly placed part of the blame for the breach of the U.S. Capitol on January 6 on the mainstream media, saying that the media hated former President Trump so much, they lost their objectivity, prompting a complete lack of trust …

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Iconic Odd Nerdrum, the greatest painter since Edvard Munch

  Herland Report: Art is the language of the Gods. Painted with fluid words from another dimension, art ruptures the limitations of language, opposes stagnation and indifference, pleads for change and challenges men to consider the journey through life with a new awareness and a lively gaze, writes historian of comparative religions, author and founder of The Herland Report, Hanne …

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Most Popular President In US History Inaugurated In Secret Behind Giant Wall Guarded By Thousands Of Soldiers

The Collapsing American Military: Getty

  Herland Report: President Joe Biden was inaugurated this week, and due to his incredible popularity with the American people, he was inaugurated in a top-secret location behind a massive 12-foot electric wall guarded by 30,000 heavily armed soldiers, states BabylonBee. “The reason President-elect Biden has to do this is that he’s just so incredibly popular,” said Don Lemon on …

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Twitter Soviet style political censorship: Jack Dorsey laying out roadmap for more

Twitter Soviet style political censorship: Jack Dorsey laying out roadmap for more: AP

  Herland Report: As the West is turning into the new Soviet, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp head up the inquisition against plurality and diversity of opinion. Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, was recently taped by a whistleblower within the Twitter system, in which Dorsey laid out the roadmap for further political censorship. It will apparently continue beyond the inauguration as Twitter …

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The Return of Russian Conservatism after Century of Socialism – Liberalism: Important book by Glenn Diesen

Glenn Diesen new book Russian Conservatism. Managing change under Permanent Revolution.

  Herland Report: An important book by professor Glenn Diesen – Russian Conservatism. Managing change under Permanent Revolution gives new insight into Russian conservatism which is making a forceful return after a century of experimenting with socialism and liberalism. BUY it here! Conservatism is about managing change by ensuring that modernization evolves organically by building on the past. Conservatism has …

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Democrats Launch Assault on Red State America, Civil War Heats Up

Nancy Pelosi Democrats Launch Assault on Red State America, Civil War Heats Up, Shutterstock

  Herland Report: The opening salvo against red state America is the article of impeachment against President Trump introduced on January 11 by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democrat Representatives David Cicilline, Ted Lieu, and Jamie Raskin.   So much for Biden’s promise to “unify the country.”   What is the intent of this article of impeachment?  It cannot possibly be to remove …

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How Monopolist Silicon Valley Manipulate Politics and Destroy Parler

The Free Speech platform PARLER: Herland Report

  Silicon Valley Manipulate Politics: In the last three months, tech giants have censored political speech and journalism to manipulate U.S. politics, while liberals, with virtual unanimity, have cheered.   Herland Report: Glenn Greenwald: Critics of Silicon Valley censorship for years heard the same refrain: tech platforms like Facebook, Google and Twitter are private corporations and can host or ban …

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