Middle East/Africa

How the West turned the Middle East into Arab Winter

Modern Man needs Religion: Herland Report banner

  The West turned the Middle East into Arab Winter: Throughout history, democratic leaders have occasionally shown an extraordinary talent in destabilizing the world. This was the case in Germany leading up to World War II. It also seems to apply to the current American foreign policy in the Middle East. The invention of the Arab spring has turned into …

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Racism against White South Africans under ANC – Suidlanders

Modern Man needs Religion: Herland Report banner

  In 2006 the signs were becoming clearer that anarchy in South Africa was a real possibility. The ANC take over of South Africa has led to a steady decline in civil liberties for white South Africans. How will this develop in the years to come? While most people ignored these warning signs, the Suidlanders started to prepare. Today, many …

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The Western Demonization of Muslims

How the West lost its Greatness: New Left Tyranny, by bestselling author Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Foreign Policy Journal: The war in Syria may soon be over, yet another US and allies’ defeat. Looking back, the miserable anarchy created by Western interventions the past years in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Syrian and so on, is quite a horrifying testament to failed American foreign policy.  It’s like new “Vietnam”s where things steadily go terribly wrong. …

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The Islamist persecution of Black Libyans Tawhergha worse than ever

  Since 2011, the situation in Libya has deteriorated into a warlord-system in which militia leaders who more or less are part of the Western backed governmental structures, rule local areas in Libya with brute force. One of the tribes that have been especially affected by the Western backed militia rule in which Islamist groups have remained strong, are the …

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Vi er ikke uskyldige i Midtøsten, vi støttet Al Qaida i Libya – Dagbladet

Syria Aleppo 2016. Yahoo.

  Herland Report: Vi støttet Al Qaida i Libya: Denne Dagbladet kronikken er fra 2015, en periode da jeg skrev kronikker i svært mange av Norges aviser om det som foregår i Midtøsten.  I etterkant er materialet samlet på Herland Report og det jeg har å si publiseres nå der. Herland Report nyhetssiden og Herland Report TV (HTV) som tar tverrpolitisk …

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No chemical attack in Syria: Assad has won the war – Senator Richard Black

No chemical attack in Syria:

  Herland Report: No chemical attack in Syria: Virginia State Senator Richard Black discusses the latest “chemical attack” in Syria as a false flag attempt at pressuring Trump into a reckless confrontation with Russia in Syria. The British have seemed particularly keen on creating a confrontation between world powers in Syria, the Skripal circus illustrates the point.     Senator …

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Dokumentert ingen kjemisk angrep i Douma, Ghouta

Moral greatness of Putin Paul Craig Roberts, Herland REport

  Dokumentert ingen kjemisk angrep i Douma: Erfarne journalister som Pearson Sharp fra den amerikanske TV statsjonen One America News Network har nå vært i Douma, Øst Ghouta i Syria og undersøkt anklagene fra White Helmets om at det skal ha foregått et “kjemisk angrep” i Douma. Det samme har den legendariske journalisten Robert Fisk.  Se førstehåndsdokumentasjonen som Sharp leverer, …

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Russia consented to pretend attack in Syria for Trump to save face

Moral greatness of Putin Paul Craig Roberts, Herland REport

  It speaks to the humanity and moral greatness of the Russian government led by Vladimir Putin that Russia consented to a pretend attack in order that Donald Trump could save face. Russia is intent on avoiding a conflict, not because Russia is scared of the US military, but because Russia understands it is dealing with a government of psychopaths …

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