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The atheist clampdown on the true meaning of Christmas has never been worse

The true meaning of Christmas:Herland Report

  The true meaning of Christmas: In the ocean of gnomes, trolls and secularized Walt Disney – Santa Clauses on their endless rides to and from the North Pole, no wonder many disconnect the celebration of Christmas with the birth of Jesus. It truly is puzzling to watch the spiritual poverty in the West. We seem intrinsically converted to the …

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The True Meaning of Christmas transcends class, race, gender, cultures

True Meaning of Christmas: The Judeo-Christian contributions: Herland Report

  Born in a manger, far from presidential palaces, the symbolism of Jesus Christ’ birth carries oceans of hope for those less fortunate – and for the rich.  True Meaning of Christmas: He was worshiped by Eastern astrologers who found his star and brought their wealth to lay down at his feet. Kings and queens have since meditated at His …

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Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All

Christmas Greatest Gift: Christmas-Jesus-Joseph Mary Herland Report KB

  Christmas is a time of traditions. If you have found time in the rush before Christmas to decorate a tree, you are sharing in a relatively new tradition. Although the Christmas tree has ancient roots, at the beginning of the 20th century only 1 in 5 American families put up a tree. It was 1920 before the Christmas tree …

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Christmas: Jesus is voted the most significant person in world history

Jesus voted most significant person:Christmas-Mary-Jesus Herland Report

  Jesus is repeatedly voted the most significant person in world history. Napoleon and Shakespeare came in second and third place, in a survey described by Professor Steven Skiena and Charles Ward in Who’s bigger? Where historical figures really rank. Jesus voted most significant person: Social research has long documented that belief in the spiritual dimension has not decreased in …

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The ground-breaking values of the Jesus child

The ground-breaking values of Jesus: Merry Christmas, the significance of Christianity, Herland Report

  We now celebrate Christmas and the magic of the baby boy born in Bethlehem who grew to become the world’s most significant person. As over two billion Christians across the globe seek the grace of this celestial king, the man with greater spiritual powers than anyone else on earth, we also reflect on the powerful ethical standards and values …

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Why we Celebrate Christmas: St. Nicholas, Santa Claus and the birth of Jesus

Why we Celebrate Christmas: St. Nicholas and why we celebrate Christmas, Herland Report

  Initially a Christian feast celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, Christmas has been appropriated by secular forces to be expanded into a generic holiday that serves consumerism, materialism and pop culture more than it does Christ. Why we Celebrate Christmas: The secularized, atheist Christmas has become a time for unrestricted indulgence, all in the name of “Santa”, who has …

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