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Who is most racist? Black racism never spoken of – Larry Elder

  Who is most racist? Black racism never spoken of: A Rasmussen poll taken in 2013 asked American adults, “Are most white Americans racist?” “Are most Hispanic Americans racist?” and “Are most black Americans racist?” Of the three groups, the winner was blacks, writes best-selling author and radio talk-show host, Larry Elder at WND. Thirty-seven percent said most blacks were …

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Følg Herland Report nett-TV: Vi når millioner

Vi utvider nå med nett-TV. Herland Report

  Følg Herland Report nett-TV: Vi når nå millioner årlig: The Herland Report nyhetssiden og Herland Report TV (HTV) når millioner årlig med  samtaler med ledende vestlige intellektuelle og fritenkere. Det har vært en fantastisk respons på den nystartede WEB TV kanalen Herland Report på YouTube. Overraskende mange har logget seg på og sett opptakene med kjente nordmenn.  Programmene har i …

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حصري: حكم يروع الميليشيات في ليبيا، والمعاناة الهائلة، الحرب بسبب اثنين من حلف شمال الاطلسي 2011 – المتحدث باسم القبائل الليبية، السيدة ليندا أولستاين

  إن الحالة الأمنية في ليبيا كارثية وهي فضيحة دولية كبيرة. لكن الغرب يتجاهلها. السبب الرئيسي وراء ما يحدث لليبيين هو الإنقلاب العسكري الذي دعمته الولايات المتحدة وحلف الناتو عام 2011، وفقا للمتحدثة الرسمية باسم القبائل الليبية، السيدة ليندا أولستاين في مقابلة حصرية أجرتها معها صحيفة “هيرلاند ريبورت”.خلاصة القول: تسيطر على حكومة طرابلس المدعومة من قبل الغرب ميليشيات عديدة الآن …

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Could Muammar Gaddafi’s son Saif al-Islam Solve Libya? Hanne Nabintu, Foreign Policy

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi for Presidency. Salf al Islam Gaddafi Libya Newsweek

  Foreign Policy Journal:Libya remains a dysfunctional state largely due to failed American policy. Herland Report: The 2011 Obama/Clinton support to Al Qaida affiliated groups in order to oust Muammar Gaddafi heavily backfired, with ISIS now profiting from the massive wave of immigration, which also destabilizes Europe. First published February, 2017 in Foreign Policy Journal. President Trump has a unique chance …

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ANC is destroying South Africa: White Farmers land seize without compensation

ANC is destroying South Africa: Herland Report

  Herland Report: ANC is destroying South Africa: South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced on Tuesday that the African National Congress will move forward in amending their constitution to permit the seizure of white farmers’ lands without compensation. The stolen land will be “redistributed” to poor blacks in the name of righting the inequities of apartheid some 25 years ago, …

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Low Intensive Civil War in Sweden: All you read about Sweden is true – Gustav Kasselstrand

Low Intensive Civil War in Sweden: All you read about Sweden is true - Gustav Kasselstrand

  The horror stories from Sweden are many, and steadily growing worse. Although the country’s politicians chronically attempt to pretend that nothing much is wrong, the stories from Malmø, Gøteborg, Rinkeby and so on seem hard to hide.  Sweden has been one of the more liberal nations in Europe, openly advocating for free immigration from third-world countries. As the multicultural …

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Trump-Putin Summit 2018: Russia and the U.S. are on board to limit Iran’s military presence in Syria – Zev Shafets, Bloomberg

Modern Man needs Religion: Herland Report banner

  Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu is enjoying a triumphal moment. He didn’t attend the Helsinki summit between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, of course, but he certainly felt he was represented there writes Zev Shafets at Bloomberg. “I think we really came to a lot of good conclusions, a really good conclusion for Israel,” Trump told interviewer Sean Hannity …

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The Sergei Skripal and the new Novichok Affair: Simply No Proof

The Sergei Skripal and the new Novichok Affair: Simply No Proof. Huffington Post.

  Herland Report: The Brits have not solved the Sergei Skripal case. There was massive media coverage over Russia as the culprit, but no proof presented as of yet. The Skripals are by now out of the hospital, but conveniently blocked off from the public. Boris Johnson resigned, yet no one knows what really happened.  Before the World Cup, UK …

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