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On BREXIT: EU is unpopular because it does not speak for the people

Getty boris Johnson Politico Herland Report

  Herland Report: The EU is unpopular because it does not speak for the people. The EU will be the only loser if it plays games over Britain’s departure, writes Marcus Krall at The Spectator. The EU is unpopular in so much of Europe precisely because it does not speak for the people it purports to represent. “If you have 10 …

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Is the US in Syria to protect ISIS? asks Ron Paul

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: Just when you thought our Syria policy could not get any worse, last week it did, writes Ron Paul on The Liberty Report. The US military twice attacked Syrian government forces from a military base it illegally occupies inside Syria. According to the Pentagon, the attacks on Syrian government-backed forces were “defensive” because the Syrian fighters were …

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Re-colonialism in Libya: Future of Libya discussed by foreign powers

Re-colonialism in Libya Libya-Zindan-omrdet-Saif-Al-Islam

  Herland Report:  Re-colonialism in Libya: The future of Libya is being decided in foreign capital cities, writes The New Arab, “while diplomats falsely claim that the process must be ‘Libyan-led’. European diplomats have been working behind the scenes to influence the future of the Libyan government, despite statements that the process should be led and managed entirely by Libyans. …

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Kommentarfelt kuttes i stønadsmedia som mottar 8 milliarder, mens sosiale medier eksploderer – Herland Report

Forleden oppdaterte jeg meg på norske forhold. Da fant jeg, til min overraskelse ut, at aviser som Aftenposten ikke lenger har kommentar-felt etter en rekke artikler. Mulig det også gjelder andre. Man henvises til Aftenposten Facebook, men der er det omtrent ingen… To eller tre likes på en artikkel, 10-20, det er sjokkerende! Dette ER virkelig en medierevolusjon, de bedre avisartiklene har …

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Media var den viktigste leverandøren av Fake News i 2011

Det var knapt klokt av de store avisene å begynne å omtale begrepet «Fake News». Dermed ble vi andre påminnet om alle de «falske nyheter» vi er blitt presentert for i mange år, nettopp fra de ledende mediene. Norske medieledere sitter i et betydelig glasshus hva gjelder Fake News. Man har presentert løgner som om det var sannhet, videreført rykter …

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Al Assad to Expressen: Scandinavian ISIS leaders are the most dangerous islamists

Bashar al-Assad spoke to Expressen about the threat from “Scandinavian” Islamist extremists fighting in Syria and called Scandinavian jihadis “the most dangerous leaders of ISIS” in the region. The battle against Islamic State and other islamist groups in the war torn country has claimed the lives of over 200,000 people and currently is the worst humanitarian crisis since WWII. (Photo: Foreign Affairs’ interview …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite