Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite
The Marxist Left produces Totalitarianism: Getty Herland Report

Marxist Black Lives Matter says it is anti-democracy


Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland writes: I support black lives and the fight against racism, but not the Marxist, anti-democracy anarchist Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.

Since they recently explained that they are trained Marxists whose goal it is to remove the democratically elected president in the United States, they lost my respect.

The BLM Global Network co-founder, Patrisse Cullors, recently said to CNN: “Trump should resign now. Trump needs to be out of office. He is not fit for office. And so, what we are going to push for is a move to get Trump out.”

Black Lives Matter thereby states that the organization is against the rule of the people and will not respect the outcome of a democratic election, writes historian of comparative religions and founder of The Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland in World Net Daily, the largest US based Conservative news outlet.

She is born and raised in Africa, have lived in Europe, the Middle East, South America and traveled extensively in Asia.

She asserts: Since the stated goal is to implement authoritarian dictatorship in a Marxist revolution, it is anti-democratic and anti-American in essence.


Anti-American, Marxist Black Lives Matter has no respect for democracy New Left Tyranny
“In New Left Tyranny, Hanne Nabintu Herland shows that the neo-Marxist New Left created a dysfunctional society by abandoning the working class and attacking traditional values. As a consequence, social cohesion dissolved into selfishness and a lack of personal responsibility. Western societies have been fragmentized into the hate politics of Identity Politics. This is a remarkable book by a remarkable person. Excellent work.” Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, leading American political economist. In the US, buy it here! In the UK, Europe use this link or browse for the book on the regional Amazon portal in your country.


How exactly is a Marxist dictatorship going to help the black communities in the US? Have we lost all knowledge about what happened in the Soviet Union, the Gulag or the Holocaust?

The demonizing of certain ethnic groups, as if good and evil corresponds to skin color, is precisely what the Communist and National Socialist (NAZI) systems implemented.

Millions of Jews, Gypsies, intellectuals and gays were killed by Hitler. Ask George Soros about it, he was there. Even if Marxism voiced the need for a class – not race-revolution, it ended up singling out certain unwanted groups, often based on ethnicity.

Is Hitler’s race orientation (Hitler was National Socialist) the role model for Black Lives Matter?




Communist Antifa pushes for the same Marxist goal. The millennial black clad mainly white youth are educated at American Universities that have preached neo-Marxism 1960s hatred of traditional, historical Western values for decades now.

No wonder BLM vote for Karl Marx’ bloody revolution. Are they paid by China or globalists?

Antifa claims to oppose “fascism,” but fascism is defined by Webster’s Dictionary as a totalitarian governmental system led by a dictator.

Donald Trump is democratically elected by the majority of Americans. He is not a dictator, so Antifa are not fighting fascism.

The remarkably “white millennial” Antifa youngsters who definitely have not seen the world or studied the Gulag, are stupid enough to support a coup d’etat in the United States. Their leaders should be tried for treason.

Note that it is the British Anti-Fascist Action (AFA), a militant “anti-fascist” group founded in 1985, gave birth to the Antifa movement in the United States, as Gatestone Institute points out.

It may be argued that the now “American Antifa” is a British invention.

BLM recently decapitated and destroyed a statue of Colonel Hans Christian Heg, a Norwegian immigrant who spent his life fighting slavery before dying in battle leading Union soldiers in the Civil War.

While tearing down statues of people such as Christian Heg, Black Lives Matter seem less and less about helping black lives, and more like useful idiots fulfilling globalist goals.

BLM and Antifa now strongly resemble the Islamist terror group ISIS that suddenly appeared out of nowhere in 2014.

What about Africa and Egypt?

Is BLM heading there to tear down monuments too, like ISIS did? The pyramids were built by slaves, there are mummies of ancient pharaos who owned slaves in African museums.

What about the African tribesmen who sold slaves to Arabs that they had taken from other black tribes when at war?

This is how slavery began long before the white man was involved. Is the BLM going to demand that African tribes who owned slaves erase their history and change their names?

What about tearing down the legacy of African leaders who in history profited from the black slave trade? What about the Arabs who bought slaves from the black tribes?

The white slave traders only waited at the coast as they were unable to enter the interior of Africa. Why no attacks on Arab nations?

What about Arabs who had white slaves? After all, more whites brought as slaves to North Africa than blacks to US, writes Larry Elder.

Is it only black slaves that matter?




As it was British Christian preachers and activists who in the British Empire ended black slavery, is BLM not going to celebrate the glory of the British?

The British Empire should be hailed for its work to end slavery.

The politicized agenda of the Black Lives Matter seem more about fulfilling the Democrat goal of removing the democratically elected president.

And yes, the donations to BLM apparently go straight into Act Blue which is a Democrat fundraiser that has given hundreds of millions to white, rich politicians.

This will likely be the very element that ends up reelecting Trump in November if democracy in America still stands and, as sane American are likely to vote for law and order Trump more than ever.


About the author

Hanne Nabintu Herland is a historian of religions and bestselling author. She is the founder of The Herland Report Scandinavian news site, TV channel on YouTube and Podcasts which have millions of readers/viewers yearly. This is a great place to watch interviews with leading intellectuals, thought leaders from across the political spectrum. Herland’s books include Respect, Det Nye Babylon, The Culture War. How the West lost its Greatness, and her latest, New Left Tyranny. The Authoritarian Destruction of Our Way of Life is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, across the USA and in 60 countries world-wide. New Left Tyranny shows how the neo-Marxist New Left turned their back on historical Western principles and became a destructive authoritarian force.

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