Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite
The Marxist Left produces Totalitarianism: Getty Herland Report

Founder of Black Lives Matter resigns after learning “ugly truth”: BLM is not about rebuilding black families


Herland Report: Founder of Black Lives Matter resigns after learning “ugly truth”: Rashard Turner, the founder of a Black Lives Matter chapter in St. Paul, Minnesota, revealed in a video published last week that he quit the organization after he “learned the ugly truth” while being an insider in the far-left group, reports Daily Wire:

“I was a founder of Black Lives Matter in St. Paul. I believed the organization stood for exactly what the name implies, black lives do matter.

However, after a year on the inside, I learned they had little concern for rebuilding black families, and they cared even less about improving the quality of education for students in Minneapolis. I learned the ugly truth. I resigned from Black Lives Matter after a year and a half.”

Turner made the remarks in a video published by TakeCharge, a black-led organization that rejects critical race theory and woke culture.


Founder of Black Lives Matter resigns after learning “ugly truth”:  In the video, Turner says in part:

I was born in Minneapolis in 1985. We called the north side home at that time, 18th and Queen. When I was two years old, my father was shot and killed. My mother wasn’t able to take care of me. So I was raised by my grandparents. They told me that if I was going to change my life for the better, education was the answer.

So I worked hard in school, I got into Hamlin University and earned a college degree, first in my family.




Founder of Black Lives Matter resigns after learning “ugly truth”:  Turner: Then I went on to earn a master’s in education from St. Mary’s University of Minnesota. I am living proof that no matter your start life, quality education is a pathway to success. I want the same success for our children in our communities.

That’s why in 2015, I was a founder of Black Lives Matter in St. Paul. I believed the organization stood for exactly what the name implies, black lives do matter.

However, after a year on the inside, I learned they had little concern for rebuilding black families, and they cared even less about improving the quality of education for students in Minneapolis.

That was made clear when they publicly denounced charter schools alongside the teachers union. I was an insider in Black Lives Matter. And I learned the ugly truth.

The moratorium on charter schools does not support rebuilding the black family. But it does create barriers to a better education for black children. I resigned from Black Lives Matter after a year and a half. But I didn’t quit working to improve black lives and access to a great education.

Watch the YouTube video here.


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