Hagmann Report with Hanne Nabintu Herland:

Hagmann Report with Hanne Nabintu “The Culture War”


Hagmann Report with Hanne Nabintu Herland: It was a great pleasure to participate at The Hagmann Report with the book “The Culture War. How the West lost its Greatness.

The culture war, Hanne herlandThe need to strengthen traditional, historical values is more important than ever, in a time of divisiveness and upheaval. 

We were touring the USA from state to state, taping new shows for The Herland Report TV, doing numerous TV shows and around 25 radio interviews.

We went as far West as Texas, visiting senator Dr. Ron Paul and The Liberty Report which airs out of the Houston area.

From there back to the East Coast and Washington, Atlanta and a number of other great American cities.




Hagmann Report with Hanne Nabintu Herland: The Culture War.
Hagmann Report with Hanne Nabintu Herland: The Herland Report is a Scandinavian news site, TV channel on YouTube and Podcasts reaching millions yearly. Founded by historian and author, Hanne Nabintu Herland, it is a great place to watch interviews and read the work of leading intellectuals, thought leaders, authors and activists from across the political spectrum.


Hagmann Report with Hanne Nabintu Herland: It was great speaking to many prominent personalities, authors and intellectuals about the current situation in the US.

I focused on the divide that has come about as America has shifted its value system and from focusing on national identity regardless of race and creed, to Identity Politics.




The sharp divide that now characterizes American culture, divided along ethnic, gender and sexuality lines represents a sharp break away from the values that once made the US such a wonderful country.

We have upcoming Herland TV (HTV) shows on this topic coming up, so subscribe and follow us on YouTube.

Our TV channel reaches millions in Europe with a fresh outlook on world matters, foreign policy, Western decay and religion in a time where war and hatred among groups seem to characterize the West.



The Herland Report offers Independent Cultural Analysis and believes in freedom of speech. Its editorial policy resides above the traditional Left vs Right paradigm which we believe has lost its relevance and ability to describe the current driving forces in Western politics.

The Herland Report is founded by Hanne Nabintu Herland, a Scandinavian historian of comparative religions, bestselling author, commentator and TV producer, known from the media for sharp analysis and fearless speech. She was born and raised in Africa, has lived in Europe, South America, in the Middle East, and travelled extensively in Asia.

Watch The Hagermann Show below, as we discuss the topic  “The Culture War. How the West lost its Greatness”.

7:00pm ET. News with Doug and Joe Hagmann
7:30pm ET Paul Nehlen, US Congressional Candidate, WI
8:00pm ET Hanne Nabintu Herland, Author “The Culture War”
9:00pm ET. Stan Deyo


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