Tag Archives: abortion

Actor Jim Caviezel speaks up about the ‘barbarism of abortion’

Actor Jim Caviezel speaks up about the ‘barbarism of abortion’ as millions die: AO

  Herland Report: The actor Jim Caviezel is known for playing Jesus in the film, “The Passion of the Christ,” and has never been afraid to discuss the Western tragedy of abortion. He recently addressed the subject again in the podcast, “Edifi With Billy Hallowell.” He  spoke of his Catholic faith and the Christian persecution that is occurring all around …

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Now we fear to die, but we did not fear when killing others

  Herland Report:  The culture of abortion has been presented as the greatest blessing in the West since the 1960’s. Now we all fear to die from the Corona Covid-19 virus, but we did not fear when killing others, writes historian of religions, author and founder of The Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland. Thus began de-depopulation of the West and …

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America is cheering for the death of their own culture #Abortion

America is cheering for the death of their own culture #Abortion

  Herland Report: Virginia’s Democratic governor Ralph Northam stands by his support of abortion up to the point of birth which apparently includes while the woman is delivering. “No, I don’t have any regrets,” he says. Northam says that women have the right to be executioners and should be able to determine whether their born-alive infant should live, writes one …

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New York culture of Holocaust, happy to kill their own offspring #Abortion

A culture that hates its own offspring: 60 million babies aborted in US alone since 1973 - Robert Fleischmann HErland Report

  Herland Report: The US marks its exit out of the civilized world on yet another issue, as New York’s skyscrapers were lit celebrating last week New York’s new abortion laws, making it legal to abort after the 24-week barrier. The previous condition of protecting the mother’s life changed to “mother’s health”, thereby opening up for all kinds of vague …

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Abortion produces Mass Immigration in the West as we need Workers

Abortion Holocaust causes Mass Immigration:

  Ireland felt the full force of the Liberal Progressive New Left a few years back, as the country was voting whether to keep its strict anti-abortion laws or not. After massive pressure to legalize abortions, Catholic Ireland finally followed the rest of Europe, writes historian and founder of The Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland in her regular column at …

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Norge, barbariets hjemland og kampen for det ufødte liv – Ludvig Nessa

Norge, barbariets hjemland og kampen for det ufødte liv - Ludvig Nessa Herland Report

  Norge fremstår som barbariets hjemland i disse dager. Da helseminister Bent Høye og statsminister Erna Solberg åpnet for å endre abortloven slik at det ikke skal være lov å ta livet av DOWNs syndrom barn eller en av tvillingene når kvinner blir gravide med to, reagerer hele den såkalte venstresidens kvinner med et ufattelig raseriutbrudd. Den såkalte venstresiden har …

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Politisk SENSUR i Irland: Nei til abort diskriminieres av Google, Facebook boikott

Politisk SENSUR i Irland: Nei til abort diskriminieres av Google, Facebook boikott Irish Times, Herland Report

Det er meget positivt at VG tar opp Irlands abortkamp uten det vanlige ensidige mediefokuset på nei-til-abort siden.  Dette er helt uvanlig også i norsk sammenheng. Et norsk skrekkeksempel er Nettavisen med “Når religion dreper kvinner”, et klassisk eksempel på media som ja-sidens propagandakanal. Så, de varmeste gratulasjoner til VG som har valgt å belyse Irlands maktkamp mellom ja- og …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite