Tag Archives: Anthony Fauci

Covid measures’ Horrifying impact on Children

Massive excess deaths following vaccination: PCR Test is Flawed: Myocarditis rise Covid Vaccination: Reuters

  Children have, by far, the lowest risk for serious COVID-19 infection; COVID policies have therefore had an outsized impact on children and teens. Suicide attempts among girls rose 51% in 2021. Between 2019 and 2020, adolescent overdose mortality rose from 2.35 per 100,000 to 4.58 per 100,000, a 94.3% increase. Fentanyl fatalities among teens nearly tripled between 2019 to …

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Dark stains on Anthony Fauci career as he will resign from his posts

Dark stains on Anthony Fauci: World Wide Tyranny: mRNA Jabs Shockingly Hazardous: Getty

  Herland Report: Dark stains on Anthony Fauci: On August 22, 2022, Dr. Anthony Fauci announced he will resign from his posts as director of the National Institutes for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) — a position he’s held for 38 years — and chief medical adviser to the White House, come December. It appears Fauci is making sure to …

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Was the Covid-19 disruption worth it? Useless lockdowns, useless PCR, the billionaires earned billions, the poor lost so much

Covid-19 disruption World Economic Forum Getty

  Herland Report: Was the Covid-19 disruption worth it? The richest among us have earned billions of dollars on the dramatic Covid-19 disruption. The pandemic has been a source of extremely valuable income for Big Pharma capital owners and destruction for predominantly the lower classes and the middle-class in so many ways, writes historian and author, Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of …

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Death From COVID Shots: Health Officials Deny Even a Single Death

Death From COVID Shots: PAHO photo

  Herland Report: Death From COVID Shots: As of January 7, 2022, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) has received 9,936 reports of death following the COVID jab in the U.S. When you include foreign reports received by VAERS, the death toll stands at 21,745. A total of 1,541 miscarriages have also been reported post-jab in the U.S., or …

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Why did WHO push catastrophic numbers from Corona in March?

The WHO is China's instrument: China was smarter, only closed down epicenter: AFP

“You have a 0.03% chance of dying from Covid-19 in the state of California. Does that necessitate people being out of work,” asked Accelerated Urgent Care owner, Dr. Dan Erickson recently. He showed how the Covid-19 has taken very few lives in the state of California, questioning the continued economic lockdowns. The question is legitimate, as China – whom we …

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Sweden herd immunity is now WHO model, Imperial Report was fraudulently wrong

The Nouriel Roubini warning: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Sweden herd immunity is now WHO model: As the World Health Organization (WHO) now says that Sweden is the model for how pandemics should be handled, the effectiveness of Sweden’s approach is hailed as a victory, writes historian Hanne Nabintu Herland. The irony is that the WHO boss, already under scrutiny over possible politization, Dr. Tedros, said …

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Dr. Fauci says COVID-19 May Turn Out To Be Like A Bad Influenza Season

The Covid Deception: The Covid-19 Scam: Washington-Post

  Herland Report: Dr. Fauci says COVID-19 May Turn Out To Be Like A Bad Flu: Dr. Anthony Fauci and two co-authors published a letter on March 26, 2020 in the New England Journal of Medicine. Dr. Fauci is the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. In the article, linked below, he states that COVID-19 may …

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