Tag Archives: Arab spring

Afghanistan marks the Total Failure of the American Neo-Con Strategy – Wesley Clark

Afghanistan marks Total Failure: Getty

  Herland Report: Afghanistan marks Total Failure of the American Neo-Con Strategy: The United States came to Afghanistan to “look for Osama bin Laden” in the Torabora caves. Twenty years on, after countless speeches about bringing democracy and women’s rights to Afghanistan, the U.S. is kicked out of the country in a remarkably public mainstream media Taliban showdown that now …

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Michael Flynn says Forces of Evil Want to Steal Our Freedom #CivilUnrest

The Case of General Michael Flynn:  The Use of Law as a Political Weapon: Daily Beast

  Herland Report: Michael Flynn says Forces of Evil Want To Steal Our Freedom: US three star general, Michael Flynn writes: “There are seminal moments in American history that test every fiber of our nation’s soul. We are facing one now. Revolutionary forces are causing every American citizen to question which direction the country is heading. To determine the outcome, …

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“The Arab spring” became utter failure – Gerald Steinberg

Gerald Steinberg, Herland Report

  Herland Report TV: Hanne Herland speaks to Dr. Gerald Steinberg about the failures of the Arab spring. “It is a huge mistake to think that whatever your Western country went through a hundred years ago, is the same process that is taking place in Egypt, Syria or Iraq,” says Dr. Gerald Steinberg, political scientist and professor at Bar-Ilan University …

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Algeria, Sudan, Libya – beginning of new civil war Libya? Jonathan Spyer

new civil war Libya and Sudan?

  Herland Report: The current instability in Algeria, Sudan and Libya has led to some excited western media coverage heralding a second chapter of the Arab Spring. Those celebrating should be careful what they wish for. new civil war Libya. The Arab uprisings of 2010-11 and the subsequent years began with great hope but with the partial exception of Tunisia, …

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Venezuela: A display of U.S Empire in critical decline, Joaquin Flores

Venezuela: A display of U.S Empire in critical decline, Joaquin Flores, Herland Report

  Herland Report: U.S Empire in critical decline: Venezuelan President pretender Juan Guaido is about to topple the structures of power in Venezuela, mustering an impressive insurgent and popular military force of …. fourteen men. Yes, surely it is absurd. But in the details of this ridiculous looking ‘attempt’ at phase n of the coup, so very much needs to …

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TV interview Yitzhak Santis: Political Islamism is not the religion of Islam

TV interview Yitzhak Santis: Political Islamism is not the religion of Islam Herland Report

  Herland Report (HTV): “Islamism is an ideology, it is not a religion. It is not the religion of Islam. And these radical Islamist movements are a major threat to Liberal democratic societies,” says Yitzhak Santis, senior writer and analyst at StandWithUs, an Israeli organization that counters Western antisemitism. He is a former chief programs officer at NGO Monitor.Watch the …

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The West does not understand the Middle East – Dr. Gerald Steinberg

The West does not understand the Middle East - Dr. Gerald Steinberg Herland Report

  Herland Report TV (HTV): Hanne Nabintu Herland discusses with NGO Monitor leader, Gerald Steinberg what went wrong in the so-called Arab Spring. In a series of interviews, Herland talks to leading Conservatives experts, professors, writers, journalists and priests who live in the Middle East. “It is a huge mistake to think that whatever your Western country went through a …

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Imam state ISIS are foreigners who cannot speak Arabic

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  The RT documentary about the twenty Egyptian Christians who were slaughtered by ISIS in 2015 is worth revisiting. The documentary shows how the families handled the situation, as their sons were killed in a most brutal manner. The story explains much about the traditional Middle Eastern attitudes, much of which we hear little in our very censored media in …

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TV dokumentaren Jerusalem: Hvorfor løses ikke Palestinakonflikten? Alan Baker

Alan Baker Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  Herland Report: Dokumentaren i ti deler, “Jerusalem med Hanne Nabintu Herland” omhandler hvordan intellektuelle, aktivister og forskere i Midtøsten ser på Vesten og vårt engasjement i krigene i Midtøsten. I dette programmet samtaler vi med tidligere ambassadør, Alan Baker. Serien viser nye perspektiver på gamle konflikter, sett fra den konservative vinkelen, et perspektiv vi sjelden hører fra i norske …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite