An underlying sorrow weights down the Western culture. Our civilization is blanketed with a light melancholic fog of neuroses, mental pain, depression and loneliness. Mental Pain: What happened? How did we end up in a situation where loneliness and depression are such massive problems? What happened to the family? And to the life long companionship between the man and …
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Lack of Moral Strength in the West is the result of Atheist Secular Messianism
The current lack of moral strength worry many of the leading philosophers in the West. Among them, the German philosopher who is Europe’s arguably most influential social scientist, atheist Jürgen Habermas. At one point, Habermas dramatically changed his view on the role of religion, stating that his previous assumption of its irrelevance in secular nations was wrong. In his …
Read More »Atheists now say that Christian Ethics are the logic solution – Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Leading atheist intellectuals who have spent a lifetime ridiculing the Christian fundament of their own Western civilization now suddenly have a change of heart. One by one, they either become Christians, profess to be on Team Christianity, hail the traditional Christian culture or voice the need for more Christian ethics. They have found out that the logic solution to …
Read More »The path to a meaningful life: Listen to the voice of the heart, as Jean-Jacques Rousseau suggested
The French philosopher, Jean-Jacques Rousseau famously stated that morality is our following the voice of nature within us. A meaningful life: This inner voice is often drowned out by the passions, our pride or other destructive forces of egoism and evil that lurk in the darkness of this world. If we choose to quench this voice of nature that …
Read More »How can an atheist intellectual like Ayaan Hirsi Ali become a Christian?
Dr. Richard Dawkins is one of the Western atheist intellectuals who have spent a lifetime creating hatred against the Christian faith upon which his own civilization stands. Decade after decade he has ignorantly pushed the nihilist, Nietzschean message that God is dead, Christian values are useless, Christianity is nonsense, there is no hope beyond death – in short, this …
Read More »Former atheist Ayaan Hirsi Ali is now a Christian, she explains why in a recent debate with Richard Dawkins
The famous atheist and chronic mocker of the Christian faith, Dr. Richard Dawkins, who has had free access to the mainstream media loudspeaker for decades, has changed his stance on the value of Christianity. I recently wrote about this in my regular WND commentary. In an interview with LBC, he now calls himself a cultural Christian. Some epiphany moment must have …
Read More »Paul C. Roberts book review of The Billionaire World, number 1 bestseller on Amazon: One of the Few Remaining European Intellects Stands Up for Truth as the Guarantor of Liberty
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts’ book review of The Billionaire World: Hanne Herland is a leading intellect of the Western world. She is a defender of civilization and Christian morality and a stalwart opponent of the Satanic forces that are attacking our civilization. In her latest book, The Billionaire World, she explains the variety of assaults on Western civilization that are …
Read More »The Atheist Meaninglessness of Life: Where Nihilism prevails, Solidarity disintegrates
The famous sociologist of religion, Peter Berger argues that modern liberal society creates a kind of homelessness, a rootless existence without access to the firm pillars that defined the historic, traditional Western societies. Man is left utterly alone, without the rational, religious answers that explain the deeper meaning of life. He has no hope for eternity, no comprehension of …
Read More »How Atheist Communism produced Religious Revival in Russia and caused its return to Christianity
As Americans now turn to Marxism in the hope of a better and more just world, the Communist Soviet experience is worth revisiting. Submerged in atheist state control, the Soviet media propaganda penetrated society, idealizing the Communist teaching that Marxism would bring happiness and peace to all. Central to the Communist ideology was the idea that traditional religion must …
Read More »Atheism destroys Hope in the Human Soul warned Alexandr Solzhenitsyn
When Communism reigned with its iron fist in Russia, it was bent on destroying all religion. The very essence of the Communist ideology, which developed from Marxist theory, was to uproot traditional faith in God and its worldview, claiming that a godless, classless society would emerge once Conservative religious values were exterminated. Atheism destroys Hope: As the United States …
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