Tag Archives: Bork Spildo

Ex-Muslims of Norway leader, Cemal Yucel on Islam and the Picture Ban

Cave of Apelles: Ex-Muslims of Norway leader, Cemal Yucel on Islam and the Picture Ban in the West, Herland Report

  Herland Report:  Cemal Yucel, the founder of Ex-Muslims of Norway, speaks about his choice to leave Islam, the Leftist love for Iconoclasm and the New Left Picture Ban in the West.  Cave of Apelles host, Jan-Ove Tuv points out that Cancel Culture is nothing new. Looking at history, has not cancel culture and toppling of statues always been precursors …

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Cave of Apelles: Adara Ryum on Biblical references in Henrik Ibsen plays / Nerdrum School

Cave of Apelles: Adara Ryum on Biblical references in Henrik Ibsen plays / Nerdrum School, Herland Report

  Herland Report: The concealed Biblical references in Henrik Ibsen’s late plays is the topic of this month’s Cave of Apelles, produced by Bork Spildo. The theater expert, Adara Ryum, makes her appearance to talk about the dramatist Henrik Ibsen and performance practice. Ryum points out how «updating» Ibsen always implies turning him into political propaganda, and that «modernizing» classical …

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Hanne Nabintu forord i Odd Nerdrums bok “Crime and Refuge”

Hanne Nabintu forord i Odd Nerdrums bok: Nerdrum selvportrett

  Herland Report:  Hanne Nabintu forord i Odd Nerdrums bok, Crime and Refuge: Kunst er gudenes språk. Malt med flytende ord fra en annen dimensjon, bryter kunsten begrensningene i språket, opponerer mot stillstand og likegyldighet, maner til samfunnsendringer og utfordrer mennesker til å betrakte livsreisen med et våkent og mer levende blikk. Odd Nerdrums Crime and Refuge. Hanne Herland skriver …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite