Tag Archives: China

Can China Dethrone the US Dollar as Global Reserve?

Socialist Billionaires joined China as the push for lockdown gives China double digit growth , Herland Report

  Herland Report: On the US dollar as reserve currency, that is a tough thing to break especially for China since the yuan is not freely convertible. China has renminbi and yuan; one they peg to the dollar and the other is circulated in China. Try converting USD to yuan in Paypal for example? The option is not there. Payments …

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Christianity is African Religion, the West is Hedonism

Erik Selle Christianity is African Religion, the West is Hedonism:

  Herland Report TV (HTV): Christianity is African Religion, the West is Hedonism:”There is a strong anti-Christian sentiment within the European media establishment and the elites. Russia chooses the opposite path by strengthening Christian Orthodoxy as the cultural fundament,” states the president of the Africa-Israel Initiative, Erik Selle, who has work in 17 African countries. He was born and raised …

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Samuel Huntington, the clash of civilizations and Libya

Following the 1993 publishing of the book “Clash of Civilizations?” by the political scientist Samuel Huntington, it has only become more evident how prescient his thesis was at this time when looking at the US’ foreign policy in the Middle East. Huntington hypothesized that in the decades following the end of the Cold War; political conflicts would be rooted in …

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The US attack on Syria violated all international law

The US attack on Syria violated all international law: Paul Craig Roberts, Herland REport

  The US attack on Syria violated all international law: The main effect of the US/UK/France attack on Syria seems to be that Trump has further discredited himself and the US by violating the UN Charter and international law and committing an act of aggression, which is a war crime for which Nazi civilian and military officials were executed, writes Dr. …

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China’s New Silk Road through Syria provokes the US: The Sanctions only help China’s power to grow

China's New Silk Road

  Herland Report: “While the US troops on the borders of Russia and Iran are generally considered intimidation/provocation tactics aimed at Moscow and Tehran, the broader reality is that America intends to use its troops as speed-bumps in China’s New Silk Road”, writes Sott.net.  “NATO’s recent land and sea exercises in eastern and southern Europe as well as the Black …

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