Tag Archives: CIA

Pax Americana Fascism: The U.S. Militarist Finance System’ connection to the Warfare State

America’s Stolen Guns:American Collapse: Ammo

  Herland Report: Pax Americana Fascism: A handful of the largest investment firms on the planet own pretty much everything, as intertwined with the western financial/monetary structure at the top; but that’s just one major element of control. Understanding Pax Americana aggression whether by “color revolutions” or the creation of failed states, requires more than an understanding of its overall funding (monopoly …

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The peculiar hatred of Russia

The United States Could Easily Lose: Geneva 2021: Reuters

  The peculiar hatred of Russia: It seems that ever since Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election of 2016 the western media and numerous politicians have been working especially hard to convince the world that the Russian government is little better than a modern version of Josef Stalin’s USSR. Part of the effort can be …

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Why America Failed to ‘Win Hearts’ in Afghanistan: Oblivious of Culture, thought only of Materialism

Why America Failed in Afghanistan: Getty

  Herland Report: Why America Failed in Afghanistan: In many ways, arrogant leftist thinking—indeed, the leftist paradigm in its entirety—led to the disaster that is Afghanistan. Many, especially those of Afghan background, have made this clear in the aftermath of America’s withdrawal.  Consider the words of Baktash Ahadi, an Afghan-American who served as an interpreter for the U.S. military for years: How could …

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The Divided United States Domestic War: Attacks its own Population

The American collapse of traditional values: Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Divided United States: The Biden Administration’s effort to withdraw nearly all US troops from Afghanistan and Iraq before the end of the year is commendable and it is hoped that a departure from Syria will follow soon thereafter, but one must nevertheless be concerned that the overseas moves are being made to concentrate government resources on the …

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Noam Chomsky sier USA er vår tids største kilde til terror

USA er vår tids største kilde til terror Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Herland Report: USA er vår tids største kilde til terror: At Noam Chomsky, som er kåret til USAs ledende intellektuelle og verdens mest siterte forsker, skriver at USA har utviklet seg til å bli vår tids største kilde til terror, er deprimerende lesning. Det har lenge vært kjent at Chomsky hevder at USA ikke lenger er et demokrati, men …

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The 9/11 Attacks: Understanding the Fall-Out from America’s Secret War

The 9/11 Attacks: Understanding the Fall-Out from America's Secret War: Ammo, Herland Report

  Herland Report:  On September 11, 2001 the world was in shock as the World Trade Center buildings melted to the ground in a massive showdown of power. Nearly 3000 were killed and the United States launched its war on terror and Islamism. Since then, we have had endless wars. Country after country in the Middle East has erupted in …

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Intervju: Redaktør Tommy Hansen om journalismens død, dollaren, Federal Reserve

Intervju: Redaktør Tommy Hansen: Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  Herland Report: Intervju: Redaktør Tommy Hansen: Etter at jeg startet prosjektet free21.org, har jeg nærmere 200 av Vestens viktige journalisters arbeid på vår forfatterliste i dag. Så det er mange, mange journalister som fortsatt gjør en glitrende jobb, du finner dem bare ikke lenger i de store mediene.  Der bedrives dagligt fremragende journalistik i alle de store klassiske medier, …

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Why Socialist Billionaires hate Trump: “Trump. The Battle for America”

New Book cuts through Media Rhetoric: “Trump. The Battle for America”, Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Herland Report: Donald Trump may be the most demonized President in US history, simply because his ultra-rich Socialist Billionaire enemies own the media and control the US establishment, writes Hanne Herland at WND, the largest Conservative news outlet in America. Read the exclusive excerpts from bestselling author, Hanne Nabintu Herland’s latest book at WND. With Trump’s “America First” slogan, he …

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The biggest political scandal in US History: The Plot against the President

The Subversive, Silent Coup to Ensure Nothing Changes: Getty, Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Biggest Political Scandal in U.S. History. True story of how Congressman Devin Nunes uncovered the operation to bring down the President of the United States. Following the book The Plot Against the President by investigative journalist Lee Smith, this feature length documentary explores new information and additional interviews as the case unfolds. Watch it here or …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite