Tag Archives: Corona

Corona trenden gir fokus på nasjonalstaten: Norge og kirken som kulturbygger

The Marxist mistake: A meaningful life: Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  Herland Report: Sommeren har vært fantastisk i Norge med nasjonalt fokus og besøk til norske kirker. Utover høsten vil det komme mange artikler om dette temaet, ettersom Corona krisen viser at trendene fører til at nasjonalstaten får et nytt fokus i Vesten. I flere år har Herland Report fokusert på den økende splittelsen i USA, med artikler og intervjuer …

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Why did WHO push catastrophic numbers from Corona in March?

The WHO is China's instrument: China was smarter, only closed down epicenter: AFP

“You have a 0.03% chance of dying from Covid-19 in the state of California. Does that necessitate people being out of work,” asked Accelerated Urgent Care owner, Dr. Dan Erickson recently. He showed how the Covid-19 has taken very few lives in the state of California, questioning the continued economic lockdowns. The question is legitimate, as China – whom we …

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To what degree is Corona a world war trade conflict with China?

West Lost Dominant Position U.S. must approach China with humility: AP

  Herland Report: Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, published a letter on March 26, 2020 in the New England Journal of Medicine. [pullquote]Oligarch billionaire and one of the world’s richest men, Bill Gates, was extremely eager, as we all remember, in the push for the economic shutdown the West. And …

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New York turning into Hellhole

Total destruction of sovereign nations:US Economy Destroyed: Does Western Civilization Have a Future New York turning into Hellhole as Residents flee the Democrat run City, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Michael Snyder: Hundreds of thousands of wealthy residents have already left New York City, and more are leaving every day as America’s biggest city rapidly degenerates into a hellhole. This is incredibly sad to watch, because in many ways New York had been an incredible success story over the past several decades. The 1970s and 1980s were …

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Leading US podcast TradCatNight features Hanne Herland and New Left Tyranny

Ny-marxismens kvinnefiendtlige 68er feminisme ødela kvinnedagen - Hanne Nabintu Steffen Aaland

  Herland Report: Leading US podcast TradCatNight features Hanne Herland and New Left Tyranny: I often have the pleasure to participate on the TradCatNight Show, this time about my new book New Left Tyranny. The Authoritarian destruction of our way of life (starts at 3.40 into the show). As the West crumbles under the weight of financial crisis by political …

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Marxist Black Lives Matter says it is anti-democracy

The Marxist Left produces Totalitarianism: Getty Herland Report

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland writes: I support black lives and the fight against racism, but not the Marxist, anti-democracy anarchist Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. Since they recently explained that they are trained Marxists whose goal it is to remove the democratically elected president in the United States, they lost my respect. The BLM Global Network co-founder, Patrisse …

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George Floyd autopsy showed three times fatal dose Fentanyl opioid, not killed by police

Systemic racism manufactured by Elite: George Floyd FOX Tucker Carlson now announce what we wrote two months ago: George Floyd was not killed by police, but by overdose of Fentanyl Opioid, Herland Report

  Herland Report: George Floyd story: The presstitutes’ story is that George Floyd died from asphyxiation—“I can’t breathe”—from a police officer’s knee on his neck.  This story is not supported by the autopsy and toxicology reports. The autopsy report says Floyd died of a heart attack and that no life-threatening injuries were inflicted by police restraint. The medical examiner found no …

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Anti-American Universities Are a Much Greater Threat to Us than China

The Anti-American Universities Are a Much Greater Threat to Us than Putin and China: Herland REport

Herland Report: Anti-American Universities: The enemies of the United States and black American lives are succeeding in transforming the nation by Marxist revolution into an anarchist place where law and order no longer prevails. Black Americans across the nation see this, but are not given space to voice their concern in the mainstream media. The media is owned by rich, …

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Black Lives Matter anarchy riots may produce the reelection of Law and Order Trump

Black Lives Matter anarchy riots will reelect Law and Order Trump: White Lives Matter USA today

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland: Black Lives Matter anarchy riots may reelect Law and Order Trump: The murder of George Floyd raised legitimate anger over police violence, but sadly has been heavily abused by infiltrating political and anarchist groups. As they intermingle with those rightfully protesting against racism, looting and civil unrest will be blamed on blacks. The riots …

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Michael Flynn says Forces of Evil Want to Steal Our Freedom #CivilUnrest

The Case of General Michael Flynn:  The Use of Law as a Political Weapon: Daily Beast

  Herland Report: Michael Flynn says Forces of Evil Want To Steal Our Freedom: US three star general, Michael Flynn writes: “There are seminal moments in American history that test every fiber of our nation’s soul. We are facing one now. Revolutionary forces are causing every American citizen to question which direction the country is heading. To determine the outcome, …

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