Tag Archives: coup d’etat

The Subversive, Silent Coup to Ensure Nothing Changes

The Subversive, Silent Coup to Ensure Nothing Changes: Getty, Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Silent Coup to Ensure Nothing Changes: No doubt about it: the coup d’etat was successful. That January 6 attempt by so-called insurrectionists to overturn the election results was not the real coup, however. Those who answered President Trump’s call to march on the Capitol were merely the fall guys, manipulated into creating the perfect crisis for the Deep …

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We are watching the American Color Revolution under the guise of a presidential election?

We are watching the American Color Revolution

  Herland Report: Pandering to the Establishment Now Ubiquitous, we are watching the American Color Revolution: The Establishment has imposed a color revolution on the American people.   Ekaterina Blinova is a journalist who recognized that a color revolution has occurred in America under the guise of a presidential election. The Establishment used the Democrats for their purpose, because Trump was …

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The biggest political scandal in US History: The Plot against the President

The Subversive, Silent Coup to Ensure Nothing Changes: Getty, Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Biggest Political Scandal in U.S. History. True story of how Congressman Devin Nunes uncovered the operation to bring down the President of the United States. Following the book The Plot Against the President by investigative journalist Lee Smith, this feature length documentary explores new information and additional interviews as the case unfolds. Watch it here or …

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Trump Reelection Is Already Discredited as a Coup Against Democracy

Trump Reelection Is Already Discredited as a Coup Against Democracy, Herland Report NBC

  Herland Report: Trump reelection is already discredited as a coup against democracy, even before the November election: On September 8, I provided a link to the Democrats’ Transition Integrity Project (TIP) launched “out of concern that the Trump Administration may seek to manipulate, ignore, undermine or disrupt the 2020 presidential election and transition process.”   On September 10 and 12, …

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Interview Judicial Watch Chris J. Farrell: Hillary Clinton ran criminal enterprise from the White House

Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi, Clinton Foundation under investigation Chris J. Farrell: Hillary Clinton ran criminal enterprise from the White House: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Judicial Watch director, Chris J. Farrell: Hillary Clinton ran criminal enterprise from the White House: Herland Report TV host, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to Farrell about Obama and Clinton collusion, American corruption and the efforts to stop it.  Watch Judicial Watch republish our interview here. “It was a criminal enterprise being run out of the Clinton White …

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General Soleimani is “peace dove” in eyes of Hollywood Democrats?

Soleimani Ali religion trump jesus tellerreport illustration

  Herland Report: The US assassination of General Qassem Soleimani has illustrated quite well how little many in the West actually know about the realities on the ground in the various Middle Eastern countries. The killing was instantly politicized domestically by Democrats and Hollywood, as if yet another reason to “remove Trump”. Remarkably ignorant Hollywood stars and the Democrat Left …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite