Tag Archives: Democrat

Remarkable Democrat Show: Impeachment of a President for wanting to stop Corruption

Donald Trump Reuters

  Herland Report: The ongoing political civil war in the United States, and attempted coup against the duly elected president, Donald Trump steadily puts the corruption within the Democratic Party forefront.   American corruption on State level is now so obvious that leading intellectuals internationally speak of attempted coup d’etat in America. Herland Report have had numerous articles, interviews and …

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Leftist ignorance and Polarization in Politics

Opprøret mot de kulturradikale: Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of Herland Report

  The US assassination of General Qassem Soleimani has illustrated quite well how little many in the West know about the realities on the ground in the various Middle Eastern countries. There is a rampant black and white polarization in Politics. The killing was instantly politicized domestically by Democrats, as if yet another reason to “remove Trump” in the ongoing …

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The Neocon Democrat Alliance to Destroy Trump – Phil Giraldi

  Herland Report: The neocon metamorphosis is nearly complete as many of the neocons, who started out as Democrats, have returned home, where they are being welcomed for their hardline foreign policy viewpoint. The neocons initially found a home with Democratic Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson, but they moved on in the 1970s and 1980s to prosper under Ronald Reagan as …

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Samfunnet radikaliseres og hatet mot jøder dominerer, Michael Rachel Suissa

Samfunnet radikaliseres og hatet mot jøder dominerer, Michael Rachel Suissa

  Herland Report: En intens debatt har de siste ukene pågått i amerikanske og internasjonale medier etter at det ble kjent at et par av høstens nyvalgte representanter til Kongressen for Demokratene, har markert seg med utilslørt antisemittiske uttalelser.  De kastet ikke bort tiden med å gjøre seg kjent med sine parlamentariske forpliktelser, men gikk rett løs på det som …

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Media theatre designed to hide Trump’s economic progress

Donald Trump NBC

  Don’t let Democrats fool you, writes Adriana Cohen, the state of the union is strong. If you watched President Donald Trump deliver his annual State of the Union address this week, you can see why the left and its mouthpieces in media lob nonstop insults against him and trash-talk his administration. It’s to create a lot of noise and …

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