Tag Archives: EU

Baffling European hypocrisy: Criticizes Trump for Border Wall, yet funds its own wall in Turkey

Baffling European hypocrisy: Criticizes Trump for Border Wall, yet funds its own wall in Turkey Herland Report

  Herland Report: The European hypocrisy, both in the media and among politicians, simply is baffling. We exemplify the art of double standards in an unprecedented manner. While European media outlets are swarming with harsh criticism on President Trump’s border wall to stop illegal immigration and the drug epidemic trail into the US from its Southern Borders, Europeans have funded …

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The new Libya: The return of a Gadhafi?

Saif al Islam Gaddafi Liberation

Just as the Syria war did not end with ISIS capturing Damascus, the events in Libya equally have taken an unexpected turn as Dr. Saif al-Islam Gadhafi, the son of Col. Moammar Gadhafi, is a political candidate in the presidential election. (Photo: Saif al-Islam Gadhafi, Libya News) His candidacy is supported by large segments within the Libyan people and viewed …

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Wikileaks: Espen Barth Eide thinks only of his own career?

Wikileaks: Espen Barth Eide thinks only of his own career?

  Herland Report: Wikileaks: Espen Barth Eide thinks only of his own career? Espen Barth Eide has returned home after serving as UN special envoy to Cyprus. Notorious for his arrogance and lack of in depth knowledge about the conflict, has completely failed in finding a solution in Cyprus. Local forces have adamantly opposed him for several years, even allegedly …

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Europa folkeopprør og nasjonale verdier: Fortvilelse over ensrettede medier

Europa folkeopprør: Helge Lurås, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Europa folkeopprør og nasjonale verdier: Hanne Nabintu Herland samtaler med Helge Lurås, en internasjonal nordmann med bred erfaring som leder tenketanken Senter for Internasjonal Strategisk Analyse i Norge. I dette Herland Report TV programmet samtaler vi om behovet for mer realisme og mindre ideologisk styring av mediene, samt nødvendigheten av en styrket nasjonal identitet og historiske verdier …

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On BREXIT: EU is unpopular because it does not speak for the people

Getty boris Johnson Politico Herland Report

  Herland Report: The EU is unpopular because it does not speak for the people. The EU will be the only loser if it plays games over Britain’s departure, writes Marcus Krall at The Spectator. The EU is unpopular in so much of Europe precisely because it does not speak for the people it purports to represent. “If you have 10 …

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“Saringass” i Khan Sheikhum og spekulative medieløgner – Bjørn Ditlef Nistad

Modern Man needs Religion: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: Etter giftgassangrepet på den syriske landsbyen Khan Sheikhum 4. april i år har norske massemedier vært fulle av oppslag om at Assad-regimet stod bak angrepet, og at nervegassen sarin sannsynligvis ble benyttet. Men sarin ville gjort at de ubeskyttede hjelpearbeiderne omkom. Alt tyder på at angrepet ble gjennomført ved hjelp av klor eller en annen mindre farlig …

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Marine Le Pen: The comeback of nations, of sovereign states, of frontiers and politicians who listen to the people

  Herland Report: France’s National Front (FN) leader, Marine Le Pen has said that if she is elected president she will ask the European Union for “our sovereignty back”. She told BBC Hardtalk Stephen Sackur she wanted legislative, territorial, economic and monetary sovereignty all returned to France. Ms Le Pen has previously described Britain’s vote for Brexit as the most important event …

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Many Europeans pray for BREXIT end of the Marxist-socialist EU

Modern Man needs Religion: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: Many of us Europeans wish for BREXIT and the end of the with its seemingly millions of well paid, arrogant bureaucrats and Brussels politicians who constantly work for the Marxist-Socialist goal of eradicating borders and national identity. They have fought for this for decades, and their failed ideologies have led Europe to its current state of cultural …

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