Tag Archives: george soros

Europeans allow gross violation of its own population Sweden


  Herland Report: Paul Craig Roberts: Here is a video of one of the migrant gangs that have been welcomed into Europe sticking a pistol’s barrel into the mouth of a male Swedish teenager and ordering him to dance.  Europeans allow gross violation of own population. Try to imagine what would happen to a Swede who stuck a gun’s barrel …

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The Neocon Democrat Alliance to Destroy Trump – Phil Giraldi

  Herland Report: The neocon metamorphosis is nearly complete as many of the neocons, who started out as Democrats, have returned home, where they are being welcomed for their hardline foreign policy viewpoint. The neocons initially found a home with Democratic Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson, but they moved on in the 1970s and 1980s to prosper under Ronald Reagan as …

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Billionaires manipulate Green Movement for personal gain #GretaThunberg #GeorgeSoros

The looming Energy Crisis: oil and gas sector divestment strategy herland report

  Herland Report: As politics and economy are intertwined in today’s economic system, manipulating politics also means. As the billionaire funded, Wall Street supported #GretaThunberg #ClimateChange #Apocalypse #ExtinctionRebellion push demands divestment in oil, who is looking to gain when the shortage sets in? At the center of attention are mainstream media loved Extinction Rebellion and Fossil Free – the group …

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Billionaires manipulate Green Movement for Personal Gain #GeorgeSoros #GretaThunberg


Herland Report: As politics and economy now is intertwined, manipulating politics also means manipulating markets. The Green Movement illustrates this deception to the max. Billionaires, such as George Soros, who fund the Green – FossilFree, RebellionExtinct, #GretaThunberg show,  also heavily invest in oil and coal. Why? 1. By controlling the oil sector through the Wall Street divestment in oil strategy, …

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Bill Gates on #ClimateChange Greta Thunberg divestment in oil: MADNESS

ICC is politicized: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: Four percent of world energy is provided by so-called Green energy, solar and windmills, according to BP Statistical Review. 96 percent of world energy is provided by oil, gas, coal.  Somebody wants to shut down world energy to create a shortage. #GretaThunberg billionaire funded push. As the billionaire funded, Wall Street supported #GretaThunberg #ClimateChange #Apocalypse #ExtinctionRebellion push …

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Billionaires control politics funding activism? #GeorgeSoros

George Soros politial activism Politico Herland Report

  The public child abuse in using Greta Thunberg to push the Fossil Free campaign to end investments in oil and gas world-wide, has drawn attention to the billionaires behind the all out media focus on the child. Who is funding the defenseless 16 year old, who comes from a difficult background, sending her around the world to push the …

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Financial mogul, George Soros speaks about NAZI collaboration as “happiest time of his life”

Color revolutions George Soros:Politicl Herland Report

  Herland Report: Financial mongul, atheist and maybe the world’s most famous investor, George Soros amassed much of his fortune via the controversial practice of global currency speculation. As the current financialized system is set up for speculation, the narrowing gap between economics and politics presents the need to further acquire knowledge about the motivation for action by leading investors. …

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Russia Gate goes down in history as a remarkable display of American stupidity

Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  In a Fort Russ News article, Hanne Herland writes: In case anybody wonders, we look like idiots to the Russians, not even being able to stop this embarrassing story of lies before. Judicial Watch’ president, Tom Fitton describes Russia Gate as a Deep State coup attempt, an ongoing mutiny against the people’s choice for President in the United States. …

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Baffling European hypocrisy: Criticizes Trump for Border Wall, yet funds its own wall in Turkey

Baffling European hypocrisy: Criticizes Trump for Border Wall, yet funds its own wall in Turkey Herland Report

  Herland Report: The European hypocrisy, both in the media and among politicians, simply is baffling. We exemplify the art of double standards in an unprecedented manner. While European media outlets are swarming with harsh criticism on President Trump’s border wall to stop illegal immigration and the drug epidemic trail into the US from its Southern Borders, Europeans have funded …

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George Soros Behind Facebook ‘Fake News’ Detector – Daniel McAdams

George Soros politial activism Politico Herland Report

  Herland Report: Are you terrified of “fake news”? Don’t worry, the elites are doing something to combat it! As anyone active on the Internet is aware, there have been increasing calls for social media companies (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to address the mostly manufactured crisis of “fake news” making its way onto people’s computer screens. The mainstream media, which finds …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite