Tag Archives: #GeorgeSoros

The Looting of Africa under corrupt African leaders? George Soros Open Society

Washing copper Africa exploited Herland Report AP

  Herland Report: In light of the current globalist trend where financial acrobats are rigging and manipulating the financial markets in an unprecedented scale, Africa is a continent worth looking at. Hedge fund managers such as George Soros has long been invested in the continent, this article explains how. Anglo-Dutch cartels in oil, strategic minerals, and diamonds, have looted and …

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TV Interview with William Marshall: George Soros and US drug epidemic

TV Interview with William Marshall: Judicial Watch William Marshall Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  TV Interview with William Marshall: Herland Report TV host, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks with Judicial Watch’ senior investigator, William Marshall about George Soros elite control, the drug epidemic and financial elites’ use of NGOs to control politics. The United States is engulfed in an unprecedented drug epidemic that we hear remarkably little of in the mainstream media. A startling 27 …

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Billionaires manipulate Green Movement for Personal Gain #GeorgeSoros #GretaThunberg


Herland Report: As politics and economy now is intertwined, manipulating politics also means manipulating markets. The Green Movement illustrates this deception to the max. Billionaires, such as George Soros, who fund the Green – FossilFree, RebellionExtinct, #GretaThunberg show,  also heavily invest in oil and coal. Why? 1. By controlling the oil sector through the Wall Street divestment in oil strategy, …

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Bill Gates on #ClimateChange Greta Thunberg divestment in oil: MADNESS

ICC is politicized: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: Four percent of world energy is provided by so-called Green energy, solar and windmills, according to BP Statistical Review. 96 percent of world energy is provided by oil, gas, coal.  Somebody wants to shut down world energy to create a shortage. #GretaThunberg billionaire funded push. As the billionaire funded, Wall Street supported #GretaThunberg #ClimateChange #Apocalypse #ExtinctionRebellion push …

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George Soros Behind Facebook ‘Fake News’ Detector – Daniel McAdams

George Soros politial activism Politico Herland Report

  Herland Report: Are you terrified of “fake news”? Don’t worry, the elites are doing something to combat it! As anyone active on the Internet is aware, there have been increasing calls for social media companies (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to address the mostly manufactured crisis of “fake news” making its way onto people’s computer screens. The mainstream media, which finds …

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