Tag Archives: Harald Hardrada

Viking King of Norway, Harald Hardrada and Orthodox Christianity in Scandinavia

Viking King of Norway, Harald Hardrada and Orthodox Christianity in Scandinavia

  Harald Hardrada is considered to be the last great Viking king, as described in our VIKING TV series on YouTube with Georg Olafr Reydarsson, Halvor Tjønn and other Scandinavia scholars and activists. Our VIKING series tells the tale of the spectacular Viking age and its Norwegian kings: Harald Hardrada, Olav Trygvasson, Olav the Saint, their friends in Russia, Constantinople …

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VIKING: Den brutale vikingtiden skapte Norge, hør Saga Flatøybok illustratør Anders Kvåle Rue og Øystein Rivrud i Olavs Menn

VIKING: Den brutale vikingtiden skapte Norge, hør Saga Torgrim Titlestad Flatøybok illustratør Anders Kvåle Rue og Øystein Rivrud i Olavs Menn, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Den kjente Saga illustratøren av Torgrim Titlestad (red) Flatøybok, Anders Kvåle Rue er en mann med klare idealer som fremhever Olav den Helliges eksempel. Det er forfriskende uortodoks radikalt i dagens politisk korrekte klima. Sammen med Øystein Rivrud står de to i spissen for en gjenoppvåkning av de positive og samfunnsbyggende verdiene som vi finner igjen i vikingtiden.  …

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Viking Norse king of Norway, Harald Fairhair Hårfagre (850 – 933 AD) Scandinavia

Viking Norse king of Norway, Harald Fairhair Hårfagre (850 - 933 AD) Scandinavia, Haugesund, Herland Report

  Herland Report: The brutally fierce, Viking Age Norse Norrøn warrior king of Norway, Harald Fairhair (850 – 933 AD) is considered Norway’s founding father.   Under his leadership, all significant lands of Norway were for the first time assembled under one High King. The religion at the time was the polytheistic, Norse Norrøn traditional beliefs, worshiping the gods Odin, Thor, …

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TV intervju om vikingenes verdier med Saga Flatøybok illustratør Anders Kvåle Rue og Øystein Rivrud, Olavs Menn

TV intervju om vikingenes verdier med Anders Kvåle Rue og Øystein Rivrud, Olavs Menn, Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  Herland Report TV på YouTube programleder, Hanne Nabintu Herland samtaler med den banebrytende Viking illustratøren, Anders Kvåle Rue og Øystein Rivrud, ledere i Olavs Menn i Telemark. Dette er en Viking gruppe som følger Olav Haraldsson den Helliges eksempel og vektlegger karakterbygging basert på vikingenes tankegang. Link til programmet her. Hvorfor fenges så mange av den moderne vikingkulturen i …

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VIKING TV interview Georg Olafr Reydarsson: The fierce warriors of Scandinavia

VIKING TV interview Georg Olafr Reydarsson: The fierce warriors of Scandinavia, Herland Report

  VIKING TV series: Herland Report host, historian Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to Viking chieftain, Georg Olafr Reydarsson about the brutal Viking Age and the feared mighty Scandinavian warriors who traded and raided in Europe.  “The Viking pagans plundered and killed in brutal raids. The attack on Lindisfarne in England has been recorded in history as the beginning of the …

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The VIKING cradle of Odin, Norse history and migrations in Scandinavia

Lars Magnar Enoksen The VIKING cradle of Odin, Norse history and migrations in Scandinavia, Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Viking story is the focus in our VIKING TV series on YouTube, where scholars, historians and authors, Catholic priests and Viking enthusiasts and heathens speak about this spectacular age. We now celebrate 10 million views on YouTube in just a short while and release new interviews about the spectacular Viking Age. A most exciting theory about …

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VIKING TV series interview with Halvor Tjønn: Scandinavian Vikings and their brothers in Russia, Novgorod, Kiev

VIKING TV series interview with Halvor Tjønn: Scandinavian Vikings and their brothers in Russia, Novgorod, Kiev, Constantinople, Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  Herland Report: VIKING TV series host, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to Halvor Tjønn about the Viking Age, Harald Hardrada, Novgorod, Kiev, Russia, Constantinople and the fearlessness of Scandinavian vikings. As a journalist, historian and author who has lived for several years in Russia, Halvor Tjønn is also the author of Russland blir til, in English The formation of the …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite