Tag Archives: Herland Report

Hanne Nabintu interviews Bishop Harry Jackson: Racial Tribalism leads to hatred, we need Healing

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks with one of America’s top spiritual leaders, Bishop Harry Jackson in this exclusive interview, about the level of divisiveness, hatred, strife and conflict in the United States. Bishop Harry Jackson was one of the chief conveners of The Reconciled Church: Healing the Racial Divide Movement; an effort to heal the racial division first …

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EXCLUSIVE interview with William Binney: Mass Surveillance State destroys Democracy

Interview with William (Bill) Binney: Our Totalitarian Democracy means end of Freedom, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks with William Binney about mass surveillance of citizens, September 11, 9-11 and One World Order. Herland Report is pleased to release the first interview with former NSA director, William E. Binney. He is the co-founder of The Research Center at the National Security Agency’ headquarter in Maryland and senior whistleblower, – the original …

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TV Interview Phil Giraldi: Total Exploitation by Global Elites

Dr.-Phil-Giraldi-Herland-Report-The Disappearing America

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks with Dr. Phil Giraldi about the devastating effects of globalism, the end of democracy and elite rule in the West. “This is the end of democracy. Globalism, as it is exercised by the elite establishment in many countries, have transferred wealth and political power to themselves in a massive scale,” says Dr. Phil …

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Welcome to hundreds of new subscribers from all over the world!

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  Herland Report: Recently, we have had a boom in subscribers, so thanks to all of you who subscribe to The Herland Report newsletter (subscribe) and info on our TV interviews with leading, Western intellectuals. It is remarkable to see all the names from all over the world who enjoy reading our material and appreciate our focus on topics that …

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The Culture War: Atheists are small minority in ocean of believers

Atheists are small minority in ocean of Believers in God: Hanne Nabintu herland The Culture War

  Herland Report: Atheists are small minority in ocean of Believers in God, says bestselling author Hanne Nabintu Herland.  In this interview, the author speaks about her book, “The Culture War. How the West lost its greatness”, as she expands the need for a broader understanding that the human is a spiritual being.  Watch the clip here. She says: “It …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite