Herland Report TV (HTV): In a series of programs, we discuss religion and current affairs with the Danish journalist and theologian, Iben Thranholm. She states that an intolerant, small atheist minority elite controls popular culture today and dominate the majority views. 2-6 % in the world are atheists, yet in the current mainstream Western culture, they seem to have …
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Hanne Herland interviewed about her book “NEW LEFT TYRANNY. The Authoritarian destruction of our way of life”
Herland Report: Hanne Herland interviewed about her book: Watch the recent interview with the Danish journalist, Iben Thranholm about the new book “New Left Tyranny. The Authoritarian destruction of our Way of Life”. Buy the book New Left Tyranny from bestselling author, Hanne Herland here.At the very pinnacle of economic crisis, bestselling author, historian and WND columnist Hanne Nabintu Herland is out …
Read More »Interview with Iben Thranholm: Russia is defender of Christian faith
Herland Report TV (HTV): How ironic that when the West leaves the Christian faith and demonizes its own cultural heritage, Russia rises as the defender of the Christian faith, says the Danish theologian, journalist, and queen of the MeToo movement in Denmark, Iben Thranholm. She speaks with the founder of Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland, about the erosion of values …
Read More »Intervju med Iben Thranholm: Åndelig fattigdom preger Europa
Herland Report: Teolog og journalist, Iben Thranholm er en av Danmarks mest fryktede samfunnsdebattanter. Hun har markert seg som en uredd fritenker som hevder at Europas svøpe er den åndsfattigdom som nå preger vår ekstrem-materialistiske kultur. Se henne på The Herland Report TV Channel. Vi har mistet de indre verdier, mistet den moralske tenkningen som handlet om nestekjærlighet og …
Read More »Se intervjuet om “New Left Tyranny” med Iben Thranholm – Hanne Nabintu
Herland Report: Se intervjuet med “Iben Thranholm Talk” der jeg snakker om min siste bok som er ute i USA og i 60 land internasjonalt, “New Left Tyranny”. Boken fremlegger analysen av koblingen mellom den nåværende sosialistiske venstresiden i USA og grovkapitalistene som nå styrer så mye av politikken gjør det mulig i Vesten å ta kontrollen over demokratiet. …
Read More »Aggressive secularism persecutes Christians in Europe, Sergej Lavrov
Herland Report: It is remarkable to see how Russian Foreign Minister, Sergej Lavrov is vocal in the support for Christianity and the respect of religions, while European political leaders steadily make the point of omitting references to Europe’s religious heritage and traditional values, precisely the foundation that once made the West a great civilization. The world is truly changing …
Read More »Notre Dame 1000 churches vandalized in France 2018
Mystery still surrounds the burning of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, the very symbol for France’s Christian heritage. Even before the fire was extinguished, French authorities stated that the Notre Dame fire was a “mistake due to renovation.” How did they already know? Paris’ Church of St. Sulpice burned just a few days earlier, on Sunday, March 17, set …
Read More »Iben Thranholm intervjuer Hanne Nabintu: Kvinnene blir taperne av MeToo
Dansk Radio24 ved #MeToo dronningen, Iben Thranholm, intervjuer historiker og grunnlegger for Herland Report, Hanne Herland om MeToo bevegelsens effekt på samfunnet. Kvinnene vil tape på MeToo, sier Herland, som stiller seg meget kritisk til bevegelsens utvikling og hevder at MeToo er politisert i sterkt negativ retning. Tilfeldige “anklager i media” holder for å felle menn uten at saken er …
Read More »De kristnes svik: Man har fulgt tidsånden og er seg selv nok
Herland Report: I dag snakkes det mye om at vi trenger en revitalisering av kristen-humanistiske verdier. Men hvilke verdier er de opprinnelige kristne? Representerer dagens “kristne miljøer” de genuint kristne verdiene? Har vår tids konservative kristenkultur blitt en karikatur av Jesu’ opprinnelige samfunnsengasjerte budskap? Ledende samfunnsforskere som ateisten Jürgen Habermas påpeker i Europe, the faltering Project at vår tids politiske …
Read More »Hanne Herland weekly commentaries on World Net Daily, with Ann Coulter, Erik Rush and others
Herland Report: Hanne Herland weekly commentaries on World Net Daily: Follow my weekly, exclusive commentaries for the largest Conservative news outlet in the World, World Net Daily. The focus will be on European matters, foreign policy, independent cultural analysys and the current Western cultural crisis. Other commentators are Ann Coulter, Erik Rush, Joseph Farah, Dinesh D’Souza and many more. …
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