Tag Archives: interview

EXCLUSIVE: Senator Richard Black Interview on how Endless Wars destroy America

EXCLUSIVE: Senator Richard Black Interview on how Endless Wars destroy America. Photo Herland Report

  Herland Report TV host, Hanne Herland speaks with US Senator Richard Black about how the endless wars destroy America, Deep State military complex, corruption and the prospects of world peace. We also address Libya, Syria, Yemen. Senator Black is a Vietnam veteran, former prosecutor US Army and director at the Pentagon. His impressive track record covers a career as …

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Interview with Dr. Ron Paul: We need to return to the respect for international law

Ron Paul Herland Report

  Herland Report: Exclusive interview with Dr. Ron Paul, former US presidential candidate, Congressman, Libertarian, author and founder of The Liberty Report: We need to respect international law. Dr. Paul is sharply critical of the Federal Reserve, the military-industrial complex, the NSA surveillance and the US participation in the wars abroad. He is also president of The Ron Paul Institute. …

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Sergei Lavrov, et intervju med Russlands utenriksminister

Intervju med Russlands utenriksminister, Sergei Lavrov, ITV

    Herland Report: Den 12. februar viste russisk tv et timeslangt intervju med Russlands utenriksminister siden 2004, Sergej Lavrov, som stjernejournalisten Vladimir Solovjov hadde laget. Lavrov regnes ikke for å være den som trekker opp russisk utenrikspolitikk, men han er en av verdens dyktigste diplomater, og hans uttalelser kan betraktes som et uttrykk for hvilket syn den russiske eliten har …

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Dr. Kirk Meighoo interviews Hanne Nabintu on New Left Tyranny, Africa and Racism

Dr. Kirk Meighoo interviews Hanne Nabintu on New Left Tyranny, Africa and Racism

  Herland Report: Watch Hanne Nabintu Herland interviwed by the Trinidad born political scientist, Dr. Kirk Meighoo on her latest book, New Left Tyranny. The Authoritarian Destruction of Our Way of Life, having grown up in Africa and the life story of the Norwegian author. In the podcast “Independent Thought and Freedom”, Dr. Meighoo speaks to people who are shaking …

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Direktedemokrati, partidiktatur og politikerforakt – Lars Rønbeck

Direktedemokrati, partidiktatur og politikerforakt - Lars Rønbeck Herland Report

  Herland Report TV (HTV): Vi samtaler med tidligere offiser i forsvaret, Lars Rønbeck, som leder folkebevegelsen som ønsker direktedemokrati i Norge. Han etterlyser et systemskifte i Norge for at makten skal komme tilbake til folket, og for å få bukt med det fenomenet at politikere på Stortinget “lever sitt eget liv” og bygger sin egen karriere heller enn å …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite