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Ron Paul Herland Report

Interview with Dr. Ron Paul: We need to return to the respect for international law


Herland Report: Exclusive interview with Dr. Ron Paul, former US presidential candidate, Congressman, Libertarian, author and founder of The Liberty Report: We need to respect international law.

Dr. Paul is sharply critical of the Federal Reserve, the military-industrial complex, the NSA surveillance and the US participation in the wars abroad. He is also president of The Ron Paul Institute.

“The current US system is coming to and end. The good news it can’t continue. It always ends. But the question is how much damage we must do before it comes to an end.

The catastrophe of the 1960’s, we lost 60 000 Americans being killed in a war that made no sense what so ever. It got so bad that people woke up and told their members of Congress that they had enough.

That’s what it’s going to take. That’s why the fight is not in Washington, though I spend a lot of time there and try to get a message out. Really, the fight is changing peoples mind to the point of “enough is enough”. says Dr. Paul.

“I think this was such a miracle because I was in the military in the 1960’s and drafted. This was at the time where there were missiles in Cuba and a lot of problems going on. Yet, the system ended without anybody dropping a big bomb on anybody. It was because of the failure of the ideas. So, it is an ideological battle,” he states.

Watch our TV interviews with him here and here and also here. Exclusive shorts here and here and also here.


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The Herland Report Scandinavian news site, TV channel on YouTube and Podcast has millions of viewers. Founded by Scandinavian historian of comparative religions and author Hanne Nabintu Herland, we feature leading intellectuals, authors and activists from across the political spectrum. Subscribe to YouTube interviews here!


In 1649, Europe saw the peace agreement come to pass that ended long wars. At the heart of that peace agreement was the notion that national sovereignty should be guiding how we treat each other. It is such a paradox that international law, which the UN is based on, now is scrapped by what we experience as an authoritarian push from the United States. They seem to use the media for their own economic gains.




Dr. Ron Paul, founder of The Liberty Report:– The Westphalia Peace Agreement was more sincere than what happened after World War 1. In the World War I treaty, they redraw all the lines in the Middle East and they talked about self-determination. Woodrow Wilson was for self-determination, they said. Yet, they really weren’t for it. They just set the stage.

I always argued the case that World War 1 and World War 2 was just about one war. It was the authoritarianism and the ruthless fascism that existed, yet it was national sovereignty.

Yet, when you get national sovereignty to protect culture in many ways, you want the smallest amount of government. Eventually, the perfect system is where we, as individuals, have self-government in deciding what we do with our own lives.

It’s not impossible. Self-government in its principle can thrive with the enforcement of one law. Not so much of an enforcement as rather an acceptance of that law.

The law that you and I and everybody else want our liberties, and we acknowledge that we are never allowed to use force against somebody else. We should not initiate aggression against somebody.

We can’t take which they have. The idea in such a system is that we can’t hurt people and we can’t kill people or lie, cheat or steal. It actually would work out. People reject this even the great religions basically support these principles. That is the system that we should aim for, realizing that perfection is a long way off, but most people seem to endorse our views.

I am convinced that if you offered the philosophy I just presented out there just to the masses of people, I bet 80% of the people would say: “I want to run my own life!”


The Herland Report Scandinavian news site, TV channel on YouTube and Podcast has millions of viewers. Founded by Scandinavian historian of comparative religions and author Hanne Nabintu Herland, we feature leading intellectuals, authors and activists from across the political spectrum. Subscribe to YouTube interviews here!


Do you want to spend your own money, or do you want some bureaucrat to tell you how to spend them? “I want to spend my own money!”

Do you think we should build up armies and march over and kill a lot of people because we have this image that we are going to make them a better people? Just out of the clear blue?

I always argue the case about these wars. Wars start, but how many times do 18-year olds spontaneously get together and say that they want to go to war and the 18-year olds in Vietnam wants to go to war as well?

The young people didn’t get together and say, “Let’s have a war”. That is the last thing they wanted. We need to respect international law.

Yet, it happens because of lack of understanding of liberty and sovereignty, too much power to the government, money and interests come in, the military and the people with the resources all become power structures. That’s why small governments must prevail because they shouldn’t have this authority.


Hanne Nabintu Herland, historian of comparative religions, bestselling author, TV producer and founder of The Scandinavian Herland Report: – We also find it very worrying to watch the privatization of the American army. When you look in the Middle East, private contractors control so much. You don’t have the same amount of body bags coming home because its really been a privatized industry. 

I come from Africa and happen to care about Africans. These private contractors go to Sierra Leone and use the child soldiers and pay them to be mercenaries somewhere. We have seen with ISIS. We have seen it in the fronts in Syria. I mean, what is a young Syrian going to do when his father is killed? He picks up his arms as a mercenary and is handed over 2-3000 dollars a month from “someone”. Apparently, they threw out bags of money in the desert and that’s how ISIS mercenaries were payed by “someone”.

Dr. Ron Paul, founder of The Liberty Report: This is coming to and end. The good news it can’t continue. It always ends. But the question is how much damage we must do before it comes to an end.

The catastrophe of the 1960’s, we lost 60 000 Americans being killed in a war that made no sense what so ever. It got so bad that people woke up and told their members of Congress that they had enough. That’s what it’s going to take.




That’s why the fight is not in Washington, though I spend a lot of time there and try to get a message out. Really, the fight is changing peoples mind to the point of “enough is enough”.

The reason why its going to end is not because of the people suddenly becoming smart voters for the people who will endorse our ideas no, that’s not going to happen. The reason is that this is going to end in a similar way to what happened to the Soviet system. You can’t afford it anymore.

I think this was such a miracle because I was in the military in the 1960’s and drafted. This was at the time where there were missiles in Cuba and a lot of problems going on. Yet, the system ended without anybody dropping a big bomb on anybody. It was because of the failure of the ideas. So, it is an ideological battle.

And we are getting close to it because the erosion of the dollar system, the FIAT dollar system and the Federal Reserve, will come to and end. You see it every single day. I talk about economics as much as I talk about foreign policy. Right now, there is an erosion of the dollar.

This is sort of one of the reason why people who know about this are struggling to figure out what we are going to do about it. I think that they have introduced this notion of crypto-currencies that may bail everybody out.



Dr. Paul: – I believe the dollar system will end. We won’t able to afford it. So, the question is; will we be prepared, and will our ideas prevail? When we decided we didn’t want to be living under the British, we had some brilliant individuals who decided that the purpose of government was to preserve liberty. They did a pretty good job even though early on the erosion of liberty occurred.

Yet, that is what we must do. We shouldn’t say that this is the end and that they are in control, they are all powerful and we are going to be in more countries next week and we are in to many. But that is just speeding up the default of failure in our economic system.


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Led by Scandinavian bestselling author, Hanne Nabintu Herland, The Herland Report news and opinion website provides independent analysis from leading Western intellectuals and ground breaking YouTube interviews, cutting through the mainstream media rhetoric. It is a great place to watch interviews and read the articles of leading intellectuals, thought leaders, authors and activists from across the political spectrum. The Herland Report believes in freedom of speech and its editorial policy resides above the traditional Left vs Right paradigm which we believe has lost its relevance and ability to describe the current driving forces in Western politics.

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