For decades, the leading European philosopher and atheist, Jürgen Habermas has emphasized the need for moral development in the secular West. His thinking was initially considered neo-Marxist, following along the lines of the radical Frankfurt School that heavily criticized the bourgeoisie, traditional values in Europe. He sought the answers to how to live the best possible life and be …
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Jürgen Habermas and Christian ethics: The leading Marxist philosopher who departed from his Secular views
What happens when an atheist thinker who arguably was Europe’s strongest voice for atheist secularism, changes his mind and advocates for Christian ethics? To follow the development of Jürgen Habermas has been a remarkable journey. He now states that Christian ethics have a greater role to play in society than many secularists previously thought. His point is that it …
Read More »The Easter Message of Jesus Christ: The symbol of a New Beginning
It is Easter. We celebrate the Easter message of Jesus Christ as he was willing to suffer an excruciating death in order to give his life for the redemption of human kind. Those who attempt to follow Christ, are to take up their cross and follow his example in love for humanity, writes Hanne Nabintu Herland for World Net …
Read More »We need empathy: What can motivate us to do good to others?
This has become the age of depression and loneliness. Social bonds are withering, the atheist way of life is popular, the culture of fear is rampant – everywhere. It seems as though the more you hail free sex, the lonelier people get. How can this be? More than 50 % of the American population now live alone, writes historian …
Read More »Neo-Marxist New Left: Universities Propaganda teaches Milennials Anarchy
Herland Report: Universities as Propaganda Outlets: The universities have become the main halls of the neo-Marxist, progressive propaganda that engulfs society and creates anarchy. This is where students learn not to think freely, not to respect the historical traditions that built the West as a strong civilization. As the young are inexperienced, they become the best subjects to indoctrinate. …
Read More »Ateisten Habermas: Samfunnet trenger den kristne etikken, empati, solidaritet
Herland Report: Forvitringen av samholdsskapende verdier gjør at ledende forskere nå erkjenner svakheten ved det ensidig sekulære samfunn som avviser religion. Samfunnet har i stigende grad blitt et kaldere sted der materialisme og ateisme gis forrang, nettopp derfor trenger vi et nytt fokus på de verdiene som evnet å skape samhold i større grad enn det vi ser i …
Read More »Den rådende Arbeiderparti elitemakta
Den rådende Arbeiderparti elitemakta: Når forfatter Dag Solstad erklærer at han atter er kommunist, innebærer dette at han igjen ser behovet for et opprør mot den rådende ”makta.” Men hvem er elitemakta i dag? I romanen Armand V. forteller han historien om en begavet historiker som ser behovet for samtidskritisk tenkning, men som politisk korrekt tier på grunn av …
Read More »Substantial Statistical Proof that Modern Man needs Religion
Islam represents 1.3 billion believers and Christianity 2.3 billion. This constitutes substantial statistical proof for the fact that also modern man has a basic need to believe in God. Modern Man needs Religion: An overwhelming international trend destroys the myth that there is a conflict between rationalism and faith. Many describe our age as the century of religion. Faith …
Read More »Ekstremindividualismen og dens svøpe
Ekstremindividualismen: I kjølvannet av stortingsvalget er det interessant å merke seg at en borgerlig, konservativ kurs for landet innebærer et klart verdivalg. Mediene snakker om en konservativ renessanse preget av sterke konservative stemmer i offentligheten. Vi får se hva dette innebærer fremover, men trenden innebærer isåfall en større vekt på de opprinnelig kristne kulturverdiene som humanismens fremvekst på 1800-tallet …
Read More »Respekt for Europa
Respekt for Europa: Den verdenskjente tyske filosofen Jürgen Habermas har i sitt ambisiøse arbeid med å etablere grunnlaget for kommunikativ rasjonalitet, studert metoder som viser at normative spørsmål, altså spørsmål som omhandler hva mennesket bør gjøre, kan avgjøres på en rasjonell måte. I likhet med en rekke moderne moralfilosofer har han med økende bekymring betraktet tendensen til at solidaritet …
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