Tag Archives: #Kitsch

Ayn Rand on personal responsibility, Cave of Apelles, Nerdrum School

Ayn Rand on personal responsibility, Vegard Martinsen, Herland Report

  The Cave of Apelles programs are produced by Bork Spildo, this program discusses Ayn Rand and the value of taking personal responsibility for your own life.   Vegard Martinsen is the guest in this month’s Cave of Apelles. Martinsen is an author and lecturer belonging to the Objectivist field of thought. He has written several books and articles on Ayn …

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Odd Nerdrum Crime and Refuge: Tribute to a Living Legend

Odd Nerdrum hyllest til en levende legende: Hanne Herland

  Herland Report:  Hanne Nabintu Herland’s foreword in Odd Nerdrum Crime and Refuge, describes a philosophical painter’s world, death and eternity. Nerdrum’s book displays the Kitsch painter’s work over the years. He is the most widely acclaimed Norwegian painter since the iconic Edvard Munch, with world famous Nerdrum collectors such as Paul McCartney and David Bowie. Art is the language …

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Sløseriombudsmannen – How Artists Squander Public Money – Cave of Apelles

Sløseriombudsmannen - The Squander Ombudsman, Cave of Apelles, Nerdrum School, Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Norwegian government’ reported squandering of public funds has become somewhat of a a Facebook phenomenon thanks to the Norwegian commentator who calls himself Sløseriombudsmannen – which means “The Squander Ombudsman”. Wearing a Venetian mask, the man behind the social media account visits Cave of Apelles to discuss how artists are reportedly wasting taxpayers’ money through the …

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Cave of Apelles: Adara Ryum on Biblical references in Henrik Ibsen plays / Nerdrum School

Cave of Apelles: Adara Ryum on Biblical references in Henrik Ibsen plays / Nerdrum School, Herland Report

  Herland Report: The concealed Biblical references in Henrik Ibsen’s late plays is the topic of this month’s Cave of Apelles, produced by Bork Spildo. The theater expert, Adara Ryum, makes her appearance to talk about the dramatist Henrik Ibsen and performance practice. Ryum points out how «updating» Ibsen always implies turning him into political propaganda, and that «modernizing» classical …

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Jan-Ove Tuv, Nerdrum School: Kulturpolitikken hemmer kunstnerisk frihet

Jan-Ove Tuv Hanne Herland Report Kulturpolitikk

  Herland Report TV (HTV): “Kunst er menneskehetens pulsåre, det som holder oss sammen og opplyser oss om historien vår. I dag knuses kunsten totalt av den politiske kontrollen over kulturpolitikk,” sier Jan-Ove Tuv, klassisk maler i samarbeider med The Nerdrum School of Painting. Han er også programleder for Cave of Apelles, programserien som ser på forholdet mellom den figurative …

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